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Everything posted by 320kbps

  1. 320kbps


    She did like 2 or 3 of the songs in AS2 and the Moulin Ru but that's the only ones I know of for sure
  2. 320kbps


    she's lended her talents to many songs in rusicals before!
  3. 320kbps


    i've been waitin for one too sis, dunno if it exists
  4. but where's the unreleased masterpost
  5. 320kbps


    there's a pretty good one that was posted like 2 pages back sis!
  6. 320kbps


    u ever find that masterpost? cuz now i'm lookin
  7. 320kbps

    Kim Petras

    this thread is only a place to "fester hate" bc people came running just to bash kim for an EP she released... it's been post after post saying the same shit over and over again. if y'all wanna have a discussion, maybe all these people should stop repeating themselves and just say what they have to say. some people are still going to be fans of kim petras. some people are still going to be haters of kim petras. the world and the lanaboards forum moves on. stop reading this thread if all you wanna do is get it locked - just ignore it.
  8. 320kbps

    Aly & AJ

    Finally! Any download links for them? And do we know the correct tracklist order for the 2009 album?
  9. 320kbps

    Kim Petras

    Ya know I wasn't necessarily like excited for this EP, and after listening to the EP for a first time, it's definitely meh, but also they're just fun songs so I'm not hating it
  10. 320kbps

    Aly & AJ

    Their newest album is such a great piece of work and I can't believe it's getting slept on... it has such good vibes throughout! Pretty Places & Lucky To Get Him are highlights for me
  11. 320kbps


    anyone got a good unreleased masterpost? ever since the big xmas leak i just don't even know how to organize shit sksksk
  12. SAAAAME the first unreleased i heard was Queen of Disaster when it leaked, it was on tumblr with like 100k notes or some shit and people were saying it was the lead single for her newest album lmao (which would have been UV bc i think this was in 2013???)
  13. i known i'm probably late but the lossless l*ak on the dabruise site is actually real and it's been there for like a week hello
  14. 320kbps

    Kim Petras

    it's still possible it can come this year, didn't she post about TOTL v2 on the first of october? pretty sure that's when we first knew it was coming but i dont remember well enough
  15. 320kbps

    Kim Petras

    didn't she say last year we were getting vol. 3 this year?
  16. are all these ADIAML "writer's demos" on dbree real?
  17. 320kbps

    Melanie Martinez

    i'm still looking for a good masterpost come on kids i know one of you has one!
  18. 320kbps


    could you DM me as well please? i've only ever heard Bubblegum from her unreleased!
  19. 320kbps

    Melanie Martinez

    girl i wasn't.... i didnt even know u had one... i was hating on the mega i was replying to about 3 pages back. just bc i find u annoying doesnt mean every post i make is about u.
  20. 320kbps

    Melanie Martinez

    hi friends. does anyone have an up to date masterpost that doesn't have live recordings (or at least has them in a separate area or actually LABELED PROPERLY??)
  21. 320kbps

    Melanie Martinez

    that's what i thought too! but i'm not sure
  22. 320kbps

    Melanie Martinez

    true sorry i just looked at it :/
  23. 320kbps

    Melanie Martinez

    just select the ones u dont have and download those as a zip?
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