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Posts posted by Hellish

  1. I'm actually impressed this record has been done for half a year and didn't leak terribly early

    I agree. Actually, I thought that by the time the original release date came around we would have had a lot more than we did. 


    Another thing that is super interesting to me, is how only a few songs ended up on iTunes radio. Does everyone know what I mean? You think if a system is essentially pulling from a list of songs that the entire record would have been played by now.

  2. Patience is a virtue and I didn't say it was guaranteed

    I know lol....but I can have fun waiting can't I? 


    (sometimes this part is the most fun  :D )




  3. Since I'm getting the cd for Christmas there's no point in listening now, I may as well wait until I can enjoy it.

    I have no self control and have to binge-listen to everything when it leaks



  4. If you've been wondering what to do with the 128 kbps version of Famous we have, I have a solution.

    In iTunes right click and go to "Get Info," and then go to "Options," then go down to equalizer and select "Bass Booster."

    This just makes the whole experience turn into this: 


  5. Hey guys, i'm about to ask something and I do not intend it to sound stupid.

    So, is there a chance that the songs we haven't got yet will show up on iTunes radio tonight? Or....have they shown up and just nobody has grabbed them?

  6. Hanging Around is way better than Die Tonight and even Famous imo

    I can see why people might not like Hanging Around that much........but those people aren't me :dance:


    This song for some reason feels "different" to me. 


    Also, I have a question for the people who went to the Tumblr party. What kind of vibe does Doing It give?



  7. Avoided downloading/listening more than twice, because I wanted to wait for the whole album, but whatever. Thanks though!

    Right. Chill. 



    Sorry. Should have worded it "I wonder why some of them are higher quality if they all came from iTunes radio"



  8. Ok.

    I wasn't sure about The Pink Print at ALL up until this point. Yeah I knew Anaconda was a going to be popular and she was going to get her $$$ out of this song..


    You guys have to listen to All Things Go.

    By far the best release from the album so far. Lyrically, she doesn't supply any fluff (which is nice), and the stuff she reveals on this track....

    :sadcore6: Feelin it.

  9. Less than two weeks left though, we'll live. (Although it pains me knowing I was supposed to have it in October...)

    you gotta save me from this torture  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:  Help me iseeyouupsidedown



  10. I think there is something to be said for any situation in which someone you trust with your artistry completely crushes you. Even though they weren't directly bashing her work, I can see where this would really hit home....hard.

    Could she have handled it differently? Sure.

    Would I have been pissed too? Yep. 

  11. She SLAYED that performance! Her hair makeup and outfit were so on point and she really sold that old school punk thing!!!


    I was at a dinner party the other day and someone compared her to avril but said she can't pull it off like Avril... The amount of restraint I had to have that night...

    ......Av.....Avr...AVRIL?.... :omfg:


    No. Just no.....is Avril still a thing? :eek:



  12. YOU GUYS.

    Was that not one of Charli's best live performances? I feel like she was just on point vocally. 

    (she made BTR sound good and I hate that song)

    Me during the whole thing in my living room:

    :grinds: :dance:

  13. Finallllyyyyyyy Charli, thank you for signaling for a clean-up on isle Sucker. 

    Boom Clap>(Famous placeholder here)>SuperLove (had to, sorry)>Breaking Up>Gold Coins>London Queen>Break the Rules


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