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Posts posted by Hellish

  1. Not gonna lie, I think that pushing Sucker back so far is hurting her hype. People didn't grab ahold of London Queen, and Gold Coins wasn't strong enough to stick around for more than a few hot-minutes.

    Maybe the studio versions of her other songs will lead to better singles......at least I hope there are better singles coming...



  2. The Pinkprint is going to be so disappointing  :smh:  Can't believe I actually though it might be of some quality at one point  :biblio:

    I thought it was going to be really good, but I agree that it is going to probably be disappointing. 


    Something tells me there probably is going to be just 1 jam.



  3. Ok the Chasing Time Video is seriously great. :grinds:

    Her artistic direction is on point, and we're talkin' ON POINT.

    .....but can we just imagine what the Ice Princess music video will look like..

  4. I still can't get my head around  how great this album is. She makes Iggy and Nicki look like the worst amateurs in the game. It's not really news, but to see these two gettin all the success with the efforts that they offer is just sad. I am sure they have worked hard and that they were struggels, but there are simply no excuses for the lack of quality material that they offer when you compare it to BWET.

    The nerve to call an album The New Classic and have songs on there that were written by Katy Perry and co-singers like Rita Ora and still call yourself a rapper is mindblowing. Just as much as having your songs produced by Dr Luke, having a song like Anaconda and saying in a recent interview that your new album will be important for hip hop.


    Azealia at least never gave up her artistic vision, fought for being released in the way she wanted to and now Interscope can fuck emselves in the ass, for messing it up and not believing in her

    Im pretty sure Interscope is kicking themselves in the ass right about now. Honestly, they probably thought it was going to be a total failure and weren't worried about lost profits if they released her from her contract. 


    Wellllllllllll surprise bitch. 

  5. Yes you can preorder, no the songs will be gradually rolled out

    *bubble popped*


    Shit. I was about to go bat shit. 


    Charlotte better start rolling out those tracks though......


    She's gotta get this moving......


    ......because these live performances...



  6. Ok I need a new song from Sucker.....London Queen wasn't enough to hold me over until the album release. I would have preferred Famous or something to be the next release.

    I do have to say...I have high hopes for this album. However, I am a little scared of what some of these studio versions will sound like. 

  7. I don't know if everyone realizes this but this is a REALLY strong album. It's pretty rare for a release of this nature to have more than one hit, and I can hear multiple hits on this record.

    A good pair of headphones, some time to relax and this album is a perfect situation.

  8. I still love it :ohno: I only loathe BTR (like really her worst song!) and feel lukewarm towards Caught in the Middle. (Famous kiiinda goes on longer than it needs to and has some inane lyrics but there are worse offenses.)

    OMG I am so with you on that.


    My opinion is that Break The Rules was a label-influenced release. I think they thought it was going to be a huge youth-hype track. I feel like inside the mind of Charli she probably wanted to release something else. 



  9. Breaking Up > Sucker > Need Your Love > Boom Clap > Gold Coins > Famous > London Queen > Caught in the Middle >>> Break the Rules


    I hope those first three translate well to studio version (@@iseeyouupsidedown is right--London Queen is way too empty) because I can't have Boom Clap being the best song :ohno: It's the only one with a not lame bridge kinda...except NYL. Boom Clap's bridge is my SHIT when drunk ngl


    And y'all?

    whaaaaat Famous is way too low on your list.


    That beat is gonna be a bop on the studio version for sure!!! I agree with everything else though

  10. It's done!

    Only at the cost of my sleeping before I have to be awake in 4 hours!!  :cuteface:



    qm84OY8.jpgDownload here!

    You are everything for doing this man.


    I have to be awake in 4 hours from now, and will be listening to this instead of going to sleep :D



  11. This album is SO GOOD. I actually am really impressed.

    (not a fan of the album cover though....the picture of her is obviously great its the surroundings that are meh to me)

    Honestly... Not On Drugs or Thousand Miles are probably my favorite songs.

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