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Angel Forever

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Everything posted by Angel Forever

  1. Yeah, sad story... Gracias, amigo
  2. It's beautiful I'm not buying this set, tho. I just hope they release the deluxe version in my country...
  3. Yes! It's a mess. She actually has Lungs, Lungs Deluxe, Between Two Lungs, Lungs the B-Sides, and a bunch of special sets and bonus tracks
  4. She does! lol Lungs is just 1 disc. Between Two Lungs is a re-release, with a second disc including 1 more song, remixes and lives.
  5. I have a serious problem when an artist's album cover suddenly changes... Mika did that: Florence has been keeping the style, tho... But, somehow, I liked this as the UV cover... Even not having LANA DEL REY on the top of it (I'd rather it had, tho).
  6. The song I miss the most off the tracklist is AFFA
  7. Praying for Florida Kilos to be Kill Kill. The old name for it was Florida Dark, wasn't it?
  8. National Anthem, since the first time...
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