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Angel Forever

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Everything posted by Angel Forever

  1. lol Sadly the snippets confirmed it's not Kill Kill. And that tumblr account confirmed that Black Beauty was reworked, and by the snippet it doesn't sound like it was. Trust no tumblr.
  2. Black Beauty sounds the same of the leaked version Florida Kilos isn't Kill Kill I wanna hear Old Money, Florida Kilos, Fucked My Way Up To The Top and Pretty When You Cry Edit: Idk if it has leaked, but there're snippets here: http://www.allmusic.com/album/release/ultraviolence-deluxe-version-mr0004177140
  3. So good! In the background you can hear the sound of a film projector like in an old cinema. I can see myself chilling to this song lol
  4. Who's this interviewer? It seems like they don't know ANYTHING about Lana
  5. Exactly! I love everything, lyrics, melody, video...
  6. What does she actually sing in this part? Heaven is on earth I would do anything for you, babe Guess it is meant to be Crying tears of gold, like Marilyn Because she definitely doesn't say that
  7. Not sure if the YT version is pitched or something like that, like Shades of Cool was... But I really loved it!
  8. 1. How did you discover Lana? When and What Era? With all the hype of the release of BTD, so it was on LDR (BTD) era. 2. First song(s)? I'm not sure if the first song I listened to was BTD (watching the video) or BJ (performed live on SNL). 3. What did you think? I got a completely different feeling watching the video for BTD, it caused a great impression on me. And the live performance of BJ on SNL, that everyone was blaming her, I didn't understand the reason people were saying she sang like a 12-year-old girl, I liked a lot, actually. 4. Your favourite song(s)? National Anthem is very special for me. With Paradise, I was really impressed with Bel Air when I listened for the first time. My favourite unreleased is AFFA. 5. Least favourite song(s)? I don't like American that much (tho I liked after she sang "like a Brazilian" in the concert in Brazil ), and I got tired of Blue Velvet after listening to several times. 6. What song(s) "grew" on you? OTTR, G&M, Yayo. 7. Whats your favourite Lana era as of now? (May jailer, Lizzy Grant, Lana Del Rey) LDR > LG > MJ 8. Favourite Album(s)? I can't decide between BTD and Paradise But Paradise is divine. 9. Least favourite(s) ? Sirens 10. Favourite song preformed live? Cola, Body Electric, she singing "let me fuck you hard in the pouring rain" in BTD. 11. First song/Album purchased/Downloaded? Video Games, BTD, National Anthem, BJ, Summertime Sadness, Carmen and Dark Paradise. First album purchased: The Paradise Edition (double CD) 12. Favourite song quote/lyric? "Choose your last words, this is the last time, cause you and I, we were born to die." "Mon amour, je sais que tu m'aimes aussi. Tu as besoin de moi, tu as besoin de moi dans ta vie. Tu ne peux plus vivre sans moi et je mourrais sans toi. Je tuerais pour toi" "Red, white, blue is in the skies. Summer's in the air and baby heaven's in your eyes" "Tell me I'm your National Anthem" "Baby stoppin' at Seven Eleven, there in his white Pontiac heaven" Whole OTTR, Dark Paradise, Body Electric, Cola, Bel Air, and a lot from AKA.
  9. The pre-sale began today and it'll be Deluxe here in Brazil. Do you have any info about Argentina yet?
  10. I like this B&W vibe, like BJ, WC and the cover of UV. But I'm hoping this era won't be colorless at all (tho it fits so well )
  11. Once Upon a Dream, Velvet Crowbar, Summertime Sadness (duh ) and Shades of Cool.
  12. I definitely cannot pick my fave track so far! They all sound so ultraviolent
  14. Yes, I'm 21 too... Really hoping this gets a more mature audience... Being a fan of Katy Perry and Lana isn't easy in the concerts. lol
  15. I don't like when a song doesn't come on the physical edition, but YAY, who cares? It's one more song
  16. That electric guitar is so intense! Yeah! lmao
  17. Angels Forever Beautiful Player Black Beauty Breaking My Heart Children of the Bad Revolution Hawaiian Tropic Hollywood Hundred Dollar Bill JFK Kinda Outta Luck St. Tropez Prom Song (Gone Wrong) Queen of Disaster Starry Eyed Velvet Crowbar
  18. I was sure it would be out on Monday, but she posted COMING """**~~SOON~~**"" on facebook...
  19. It definitely sounds like 50's and reminds me of Black Beauty too. There's something like Blue Velvet in the instrumental...
  20. Will it actually be in the reality? Sorry, I don't watch that show...
  21. Why is there a play button on iHeart website already?
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