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Everything posted by #glimmeringdarling

  1. I really fuck with the production and instrumentals. There's only a good 4/5 songs that really stick out me ! After this I hope she doesn't keep trying to convince the world she's an alternative artist. I can also see a lot of Kendrick influences.... And Alone is probably the best song on the album!
  2. I was actually thinking 'Hotter than hell' by Dua Lipa
  3. So anyways I guess we can change the topic and actually discuss the album now that y'all got shit off your chests.. I am really fond of the 'HEY' and 'YEP' samples in Cherry, it's very urban. I also really like the mix of heavy electric guitars and trap beats. It actually blends well! I am also really hoping that Lana did produce some tracks with Metro boomin. I am very curious to know since he reposted the album cover! He seems to only promote work he's worked on! Also I have a feeling that Lana might put out or tease another track and I have a feeling that 'God Bless America' will be it. I am very excited for that particular track being that it has a 'New York feel' something I have absolutely been aching for! Wooooh heres to 51 (FUCKINGDSGKSDHFKASDFHSAIFJSDLAFSDFHDSO) days!!!
  4. Does unstanning mean you'll delete your account too ?
  5. I was in my bedroom, heard about manchester, watching nirvana sing online I guess I was dreaming, cuz kurt wouldn't stop singing And in my head everything was fine In the next morning everyone was mourning the headlines dark was a dreadful sight I turned on the tv all the kids were screaming and I knew something wasn't right.... And then the chorus would be the same.. OMG cannot believe I spent time on actually writing that lol
  6. All I will say is I'm kind of glad the album is coming a little later.. I never had faith in that May 26th date ... Especially because Lana has not said anything about herself, she hasn't confirmed or denied anything and that made me a little skeptical.. I think it's ideal though. I was always worried if she released around the same time as the other 'alternative' girls (Ratsey and Lord mostly) that her hype would die out because there would be a lot of releases around the same time of the same genre.. Plus I am sure she is adding on the record rather than taking away from it (I hope that's the case) All I know is I am very excited for it and really want to hear more details about the overall sound from the album.. I hope she tries something different this era and steps out of her comfort zone. I just feel like if she's the last out of the other alternative girls it would make her album stand out stronger kinda like a 'Saving the best for last' type deal.
  7. My favorite part was Lana sliding on that huge D
  8. Am I the only one that hears 'are ruined' instead of 'I really do'? :brit:
  11. All I know is that she better have a song like Toxic by Britney Spears... It's a perfect time to bring that early 2000's sexy electric guitar pop back..!!! This is all I need from her! I want songs with more of her higher notes/vocals! I am really hoping that she doesn't find a song to be upbeat enough by just adding some quick trap beats to it! Like she got away with in Honeymoon. i have faith she will deliver! Very very excited for her performance saturday!
  12. #glimmeringdarling


    I've never seen such a bland tracklist like this before.. lol
  13. I thought it was 'And I'm in love and I, I fall to pieces'
  14. Def sounds like a 50's shades of grey song! Also really reminds me of 'Because Of You' and that is in my top 3! I love that slow sexy mature sound.. Ugh fuck me UP Miss Del Rey
  15. The live version of the ending sweetie
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