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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. You’ll regret this day. Reported. Thank you.
  2. I dont know why some of you think Cinnamon wont fit the album?....we’ve only heard 3 full songs from rhe album and a couple snippets, theres still 5-7 other tracks we haven’t heard. I doubt the whole album will be piano ballads.
  3. Yeah im not getting Lynch from this. Its more 50s Natural Born Killers tbh
  4. I don’t know why everyone keeps talking about how Lana doesn’t have glossy videos anymore, was everyone asleep during Love or LFL videos? Which were glam, high budget, effects filled???
  5. The Courtney is a killer nonsense is nothing but fanboy drama. Nirvana fans fucking hate her. Kurt was a very depressed person with mental health issues, nothing more, nothing less. People need to let it go.
  7. Ya’ll can keep your no make up shit camera phone pic NFR Lana, imma live and breathe for this glammed up Gucci Lana daily x
  8. At the rate of effort shes putting in this will be the cover....
  9. God that sounds epic! Shame we’ll never hear it.
  10. Thats nice. That other one from MTV is fucking disgusting.
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