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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. But like what was she meant to do? Get into a fist fight in her heels and dress? No gurl
  2. And we’ll never get full versions of those songs ever.
  3. Ya’ll know this will just end up being 5 videos of ocean scenes and Lana sitting around in black n white x
  4. I love it. I spoke to Elle and we agree that you either go get an eye test or have your account suspended. Thank you.
  5. Shes hot but her music is crap.
  6. Cant believe Gaga is the next Meryl Streep.
  7. No, but its about singers so there are performances in it.
  8. Whats wrong with her outfit?
  9. Cancer? Guuuuurl you tried it.
  10. Shame well never get to hear it x
  11. Buy Sweetener on iTunes now x
  12. Did you just not drag people for giving their good opinions on the album and now you’re going to get defensive about giving yours lol.
  13. Today you learnt the whole world doesn’t revolve around you. Congrats gurl.
  14. SEX is good, but shes about as useful as Azealia Banks when it comes to being capable of creating a whole album.
  15. Sorry but there is only ONE Jojo and it ain’t this fraud.
  16. Is Breathin the song of the decade?
  17. I hated REM but i really love it now wtf
  18. Same, im such a stan, shes been my fav mainstream rny artist for ages.
  19. 4 months to the end if the year. Hope you’re ready to release an EP each month Sophie sis, bcz im watin x
  20. Yeah i hate it. Its.....ugly.
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