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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. The new song is so good,
  2. Were you expecting her to heart it?
  3. Heres Immaterial being played at some tween party https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=82RiBbdwVsc
  4. I still play NTLTC all the time, i even wear a ponytail.
  5. Where have i been for 4 years? Just speed listened the album, some cool stuff, God Be You is good as well. And the John Wick stuff.
  6. Playing God of War on PS4 atm. Hard as fuck.
  7. That would mean paying for extras.
  8. The video is actually shit.
  9. Another pop girl with colored hair with songs that sound like 8 other people.
  10. Thise nipples though, gurl.....
  11. Fixed to what some gays would really think tbh
  12. Coney Island King


    16 times lol omg gurl
  13. It wont be. If its anything it will be a soundtrack of covers. Or as the poster says, simply featured speaking in the film like everyone else. I hope theres a song but i think fans are jumping the gun a little with this.
  14. Coney Island King


    Considering she takes 5 years between albums im not surprised there isnt a Robyn thread here. She REALLY takes her time.
  15. Reported for offensive posting. Thank you.
  16. Who the fuck is Camila?
  17. Coney Island King


    She needs to stop.
  18. I only really like her Harem album (and Vegas show). But shes cool.
  19. Why is this thread full of people posting their tweets or personal music? No one fucking cares.
  20. War is ok, it kinda goes nowhere.
  21. Coney Island King


    I also know a friend, whos mums dad is my teachers cat, i got some inside info...
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