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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. I’ll giveyou 24 hours to delete that before i report you to Elle. Thank you.
  2. Casual sex for alot of people has nothing to do with the other person having life experience or maturity, its JUST about the sex. This isnt The Notebook, sometimes people just wanna fuck, and when i was 6 ft tall and muscular at 15, and not some shy little sweetie pie, it helped with me have some fun with older guys. I had a broad social network and people around me of all ages, it just was what it was. It really wasnt this deep issue. If its not your thing, fine, but alot of teenagers are having sexual experiences with people that arent their exact age out there and its got nothing to do with a anything other than sexual exploration and fun. Its not always some dark sad story. Anyway whatever ive spoken about this enough.
  3. LIB sounds like the music you hear when you die and youre travelling to our Lordt x
  4. Please god yes it will mean Gucci will provide an actual budget.
  5. I was 15 when i was having sex with 25 year olds, and while my “brain may not have been developed enough” my dick certainlywas. LOVED every fucking minute of it. Some of you need to get off your high horses. So many fucking snowflakes on this forum crying and screaming daily over any bit of infrmation that seeps into your tiny offended brains. Stop worrying about everyone elses sex lives and GO GET DIQ
  6. You’re all so obsessed with celebrities fucking
  7. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes vintage poster
  8. 2 mentally disturbed people who had a toxic friendship.
  9. Im so over being excited. Once i get this boxset it will make a nice door stop.
  10. Coney Island King


    Havent played the album in 2 weeks.
  11. Knowing her or Melanie in real life must be such a fucking drag.
  12. So Timothy is gonna be the new Melania x Gurl you better join that police investigation with these research skills x
  13. I mean shes a product of social media so naturally twitter and youtube will talk about this, but beyond that? Have there been any major news publications reporting it? I know she has her fans, but shes a nobody as a general musician in the world really, lets be honest. Will social media gays cause that much of an issue for her small career? Someone here mentioned how her followers are dropping massively but her insta is still at 5.1mill followers still after all this?
  14. Shes not famous enough for this to effect her that much imo. Honestly outside of 2 forums im not seeing much about this anywhere.....unless this is big on tumblr or something which im not a part of.
  15. Tbh the more i hear about this the messier this is from both ends. Friends with peados, dressing up as each other, raping with sex toys, denial of rape, baby music , being homeless, psychics, ect ect its a mess.
  16. If this is true, then obviously its bad, but we literally have one persons alleged story here which Melanie has denied and fans are already setting their cds on fire and throwing away their novelty diapers?.....are people generally that hysterical in their day to day lives?
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