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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Like i had no idea about Nightride, found it by accident just seeing if she had released any singles on itunes as of late and theres a whole new album just sitting there!!!! Its amazing ive been playing it a lot over the last week, im living. Hopefully Joyride follows soon.
  2. Eclipse heard the lead single from LDR5 and gave some mess review about how he didn't like it and its not very good but its iconic........or something.
  3. Just came in here to take a damn breath away from that locked mess LDR5 thread. Like....
  4. Oh im sure Gaga will have a couple more singles/tour....but theres just zero buzz or presence for Joanne. Lana can release anytime, other than maybe Lord, Lanas always had her own window to release work in.
  5. Gaga isnt competition for anybody lol. Joanne came and went and after the Superbowl the era will well and truly be done.
  6. Yall need to keep your expectations low because some of you are expecting some sort of revelation come back and you and i both know that shit isnt happening lol it will be Honeymoon 2.0
  7. She told some white Brazilians to go get raped today.
  8. Yeah honestly i dont think we will ever get a sophmore. I think she is well and truly done.
  9. "This is.....amazing " Lol I died. What a complete mess.
  10. I read the Satanic Bible when i studied theology, it IS actually really nice. Pro women, pro gay, they love animals, ect.
  11. Is Business and Pleasure still out Dec 31?....could this chicken drama be the promo?
  12. But killing chickens does do something...... A roast henny!!!!
  13. But like thats what i keep saying, go do blood sacrifices for your career, i dont care, but.....has she not noticed by now the spells aren't working lol
  14. Yeah not sure why youre all waiting now, we obvs wont hear anything till the new year.
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