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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. I heard if you say Young and In Love in the mirror 3 times it appears on your hard drive x
  2. That was a one off, generally her stuff doesn't leak. Lanas stuffis always leaking.
  3. Honestly i don't know why you're all crying for Lana, its her own damn fault, take better care of your work geez. Acts who are 700 times more in demand than her can put their stuff under lock and key, i dont know why its so hard for her to do so. Get it together for once.
  4. FBI???? LOL!!!! because there's not serious issues in the world for the FBI to deal with, they're now setting up "Special Task Fork Dark Blue", to find the source of song title leaks for Lana Del Rey! :kettle whistle alarm goes off in Pentagon head quarters: Over radio: "Cherry Pie, do you copy? Cherry Pie this is, Red Dress, over" "Cherry pie, this is red dress, are we having a code Yayo? Over"
  5. This is the only fan forum of any artist i have seen where we cant look at/talk about new single/album info. Like wtf
  6. Love Yulias fake lesbianism in the past and current homophobia. Slay us Russian goddess of new lips xxxxx
  7. Is this Art Deco/Banks fake meaning STILL around? No one is writing songs about AB. Go drink some water if youre thirsty.
  8. Thats all she seems to do nowdays, play live snippets.
  9. Born To Die song/video is pure perfection. I remember hearing her sing it live first time, but it was all live instruments obviously....but i loooved it. Then she uploaded the studio version and i had no idea how it would sound so different with the trip hop type production, took me my surprise, then with the iconic kettle whistle.....i diiiiieed hearing that song first time in studio form, i loved it so much and still play it all the time. And omg seeing that video first time, really just beautiful, and Kanye tweeting about it and seeing the video go viral. Ugh, so amazing.
  10. I liked Gangsta but im having trouble getting into this album.
  11. Even though Summertime Sadness is played out, it really is gorgeous.
  12. MDM is nice, but i wish she kept it sounding like the smokey jazzy sort of vibe it had when she was singing it live before the album came out.
  13. Lucky Ones is my one of my least fav from all her albums tbh. I dont hate it, its listenable, but its kinda dull to me. Its the chorus, it lacks a hook for me. For me its like "I Can Fly", cute but not listened to much unless my playlist is on shuffle and im letting it play through.
  14. She had hit singles from her first album, Superlove did ok, Company is getting some nice online attention thanks to the video, i don't know why her label is obsessed with keeping her follow up locked away? Its not like shes some sad flop.....shes had some success.
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