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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Well sure, it's still on an official version of the album sold to the public, its just not essential i would say. Well sure, it's still on an official version of the album sold to the public, its just not essential i would say.
  2. If its just Lana swimming with that horny look on her face for 5 minutes i'll be more than happy x
  3. I know, its just she said CW was the next single, but we are getting 2 other videos for non-singles with no word on the actual single with the single video that she spoke about when talking about a single x
  4. I know, its just she said CW was the next single, but we are getting 2 other videos for non-singles with no word on the actual single with the single video that she spoke about when talking about a single x
  5. To be honest, if she stopped addressing it all so much and talking about how terrible it is and how she wants to die because of it, it may give them all a a bit less power to talk about it.
  6. Is that the old guy from the WC video? Also, what happened to the Cruel World video that was meant to be a short film???? has it gone the way of Cola
  7. YESSSSSSSSSS DANCE BITCH YESSSSSSSSSS. Love the colours, love this song.
  8. Didn't Pitchfork eventually admit they were harsh on the BTD album with their review? i can remember reading that somewhere. It's weird, you'd think proper music journos wouldn;t get swept up in the medias calculated backlash.
  9. I actually don't care if a review hates the album, but at least TALK ABOUT THE ALBUM AND WHY YOU HATE IT. So many bad reviews just go on and on about everything other than the music. The Guardian review CLEARLY liked the album with the final score, yet the review was just a mumble of bullshit about Lana. Great, you don't like her, but you've rated the album well so you clearly have something positive to say about it, so....you know......can we....hear it, since its a MUSIC REVIEW.
  10. A lot of women looked like that back in the day. Lana's style has been borrowed from a whole decade, not just Bobbie.
  11. I still think Guns N roses has a weak chorus, but i really love the production, the rolling drum beat, the echo of the guitar strings near the end, i've really warmed to it. I like Is This Happiness, nice track.
  12. Imagine dinner at Lana's, you sitting there....Lana on the left, eating slowly as she looks into space, depressed, her hair immaculate, but dry tears on her face, Barrie to the right, long unwashed hair over his face, depressed, not eating, but staring into space as he writes poetry on paper without even looking at his pen, silence............what fun.
  13. Keep them pressed, keep them angry, keep them polarized, the reactions of a star with relevancy, all eyes on her, keep em coming, keep the thirst alive yessssss.
  14. Shame she kinda dislikes the BTD production now. I love that album so much.
  15. Australia. The Linkin Park album is up but Ultraviolence is still listed as a pre order. Oh wait! NOW its up, YESSSS! UV in hq here i come!
  16. I love how its the 13th, the day Ultraviolence comes out, and iTunes hasn't put it up yet. Splended!.
  17. Nice job on the album colouring, but oddly.....i see it in colour, and the feel and mood of the black and white version just seems lost now. It actually works much better in b&w, kinda hard to think so many people hated it when we first saw it, now that i have heard the album the b&w cover feels so much more appropriate.
  18. That second pic is literally a high school photo pose, thats how uninspired the person behind this camera was, she may as well be wearing braces and a ponytail on the side of her head.
  19. Really? good lord, it's a love song for fucks sake, may as well get rid of 70% of songs out there if she really has issues with those lyrics.
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