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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Sounds prettu cool from what i can tell.
  2. Isn't cheesy to me, i like her writing and her monologues. They go with the dramatic and cinematic vibe of the videos.
  3. Omg mermaid motel, so what is the video like? Does it open with the monologue?? ?
  4. So many people online were there, yet no one is saying anything except "she was so pretty".
  5. Glee fucks up everysong, that show is horrific.
  6. So i don't get it, does this box come with the digi embossed 2 disc, or do we get everything in cardboard sleeves, even the albums!????
  7. It's a nice pic from the campaign, does it really matter??
  8. I bet the single disc version isn't embossed. I doubt they'd waist money on embossing that version since the 2 disc is the one they're putting all their marketing in. Get ready to open dat window
  9. Goodbye Kiss is so amazing, would have been nice to see someone DO something with it and put it on this release. Plus they put Kasabians Lana cover on there, so would have been a nice way for Lana to say "HAI GUYS" and Kasabian to be all "HAI GORL".
  10. Not till you tell me you're 100% sure you're going, gorl!
  11. Lana, Stop by my house on your way back from the event and plug that TV in my wall and show me the video. Thanks. x.
  12. You're not thinking about it. You're GOING. I expect you here with a full report. Thanks
  13. As much as i love the BTD video, she is MORE than just that one clip. Glad to see love for her others out there. STYLING should go to NA tbh.
  14. Am catching a plane from Australia to America tonight for this.
  15. So cringe lol! The cheesy lyrics and strawberry eating, awful lol.
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