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Everything posted by Peachycream

  1. She’s filming herself while driving again so that means we will be getting something sooner than we think
  2. I was ready for Lana to go at her for making that comment about Weinstein last night but she deleted the tweet. I’m still waiting. I will not ever not wait for the day to come
  3. Azealia is still going on about Lana on her insta stories. It’s sad really...
  4. Umm i just realized she said Lana was addicted to OxyContin. Ummm sue for slander sis @@Elizabeth
  5. Not going to lie if i was in azealia’s shoes I’d be mad too. Who the fuck wants to stare at stained assholes all day? That would make anyone hate themselves. Also i cannot express how amazing it is that Lana’s comebacks never target someone’s appearance. True class ❤️
  6. That’s what Airline I’m taking except I’m going out of Newark I’ve never traveled this far for a concert before
  7. The butterflies are in full bloom and happy I want to hear what all these hatin mof*ckers have to say about it now.
  8. I believed it because it’s something Lana would say to someone
  9. She didn’t have to do him like that but she did and i love her for it
  10. This is all we’re getting ladies & gays
  11. Omg azealia says the only two people she likes in the industry are Lana & Kesha but drags them through the dirt constantly! Lana was so smart to stop communicating with her unstable ass.
  12. Azealia is just mad Lana didn’t buy bussyboy or whatever soap she’s selling this week.
  13. LA at the Hollywood bowl
  14. Less Lana fans= More room for us at her shows. Adios!!
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