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Everything posted by godsmonster

  1. Lana is most def NOT a Taurus/Gemini cusp. She's a Gemini/Cancer cusp, poor girl
  2. I'm mostly excited to see what the NFR album artwork is going to be. I personally really want it to be a painting of Lana. I threw together a lil idea i love the L4L border aesthetic, but I feel this era should be a circular border type thing. And I chose the Futura font since when I think of Norman Rockwell, I think of the 50s and 60s, which is when that font was hugely popular (yes ik this is basic af esp with the oil painting PS filter but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
  3. nnnnn am I the only one who likes Chuck's work? It's not Neil Krug level of godliness, but it's still nice and aesthetically pleasing
  4. anyway, the night NFR comes out, I plan on havin a nice bottle of Rosa Regale while listening to the record
  5. port wine cheese and tomato basil Wheat Thins bon appétit baby
  6. okay I concede that the HH scrapped artwork was real. It still looks sloppy in some spots, but I will admit that I was wrong
  7. that's a nice concept in theory but someone would ruin it by leaking the drop date
  8. that kind of shit "i was gonna do X but since you did Y i wont do it" type shit makes me so mad lmfao my parents did that to me all the time gtfo here with that shit
  9. if she ever responded like that, im burning my Lana merch to make from for Azealia Banks merch jk i dont like AB but still
  10. Also I saw Stevie Nicks slader pages and pages back. Yall are disgusting with no taste, period.
  11. poor Elle must be having a awful day, I feel like Ben is harassing her about this website
  12. I just realized we're all fools. Lana literally warned us back in September: "fresh out of fucks forever"
  13. okay then they can't get mad if they ever leaked. You can't have your cake and eat it to
  14. Does Ben and Lana even realize how easy it would be to release Yosemite, RBFY, & BAR? Doing that would literally make half of this fanbase shut up and leave them alone to release it. Marina fuckin released TWO songs on her SoundCloud that weren't finished in time for the EH release. FOR FREE. It cannot be that hard to have someone make a quick cover art, and slap it on iTunes and Spotify. Fucking Nicki Minaj released all the exclusive international bonus tracks from her albums in every country for god sake. It's not that hard to do
  15. that's 100% not what bipolar disorder is but go off I guess
  16. she's trying to live a lowkey life and be a famous musician with a huge fan base at the same time and it's not working. If she wants to try to do both, she needs a new plan, because clearly it's not working
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