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Everything posted by godsmonster

  1. i was gonna say that fake Lana one was good but I don't read poetry so what do i know lol
  2. okay, lets be real, she probably meant she's going to SF and SoCal for book signings, not only releasing them there
  3. aight ill concede this is shitty, hopefully the album will be out before the book
  4. and return to NY I wanna see New York bad bitch "you know the addy pull up" Lana, but as a whole album did someone see Lana with the devil????
  5. THE TASTE JUMPED OUT I remember back when Apple Music did the color thing, I was back in my EH obsession in 2016 and saw NTMT as a suggestion on the bottom of the screen and 24 Hours was the first song I heard by her and LOVED IT I got my entire squad into that song and lowkey her
  6. the first thing i thought of while reading this was the city in the bg of the WM music video
  7. there's only one physical release of UV with all the bonus tracks and it's a Russian bootleg that's incredibly rare to find and obtain
  8. way too many tbh do you own a Swtich
  9. i can tell when NFR drops, half of you are going to bitch about how you don't like it, and I'm already annoyed
  10. I didn't realize liking a tweet meant she said she confirmed it was coming out March 29 Seriously, unless Lana HERSELF tweets a date, you shouldn't believe it
  11. that's true but yall decided to believe something that wasn't confirmed by Lana or her team.
  12. this but also fans need to stop acting so entitled with this. Lana technically owes us NOTHING. Yes, you could argue she does to a degree because we've supported her, but no one forced us to buy her music. She never asked us to support her, we did it because we wanted to. To spam her family, management, etc demanding music from her is so grossly selfish and entitled. We don't know what's going on behind the scenes. All these assumptions and expectations are ruining this whole era. We all know Lana's releases can get messy, it's not new. So WHY are you expecting this to roll out smoothly when it hasn't in the past? It's your own damn fault for being disappointed, because you built up the false hope. It's like when LMs got angry when there was no MV for The Cure, when there was no factual evidence that there was ever going to be one. Acting go childish and entitled is why Lana hates being famous, because she has to deal with this bullshit every day. Honestly if I were her and saw all this dumb shit, I'd scrap the album and retire from music. This is getting out of hand. As a community, we need to stop acting childish. I know some of you are actual children, so you don't know any better, but cmon. I know people are going to @ me saying "we're kidding" but the thing is you're not. Also remember we are LUCKY and FORTUNATE to get as much music from Lana in such a short period of time. Not a lot of artists regularly drop music like she does. And also, some fanbases have been waiting much much longer for new music from their faves than we have. Be grateful for what we have, and how much Lana has worked with releasing new music. Rant over.
  13. yall are being way over dramatic at this point you need to chill
  14. this is gonna blow up in your face, mark my words
  15. i fucking SCREAMED also my tongue got burned drinking this tea, goddamn finally, some actual level-headed, factual knowledge
  16. i've made a few concepts, they're scattered in the NFR PR thread and my Lana cover art thread
  17. okay, im listening to Superstar now, she sounds promising is it me, or do I hear the same gun click as the one in Lust for Life in the background at certain points???
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