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Everything posted by godsmonster

  1. Also what kind of witchcraft did Lana use that makes MAC still so fresh, 6 months later
  2. Venice Bitch woulda smashed if it were shorter lmfao the whole 7 minutes of instrumental should have been an interlude or something
  3. godsmonster

    Dua Lipa

    yeah Dua needs to chill, don't wanna get too overexposed like Gaga was in 2012-2013
  4. and i was supposed to know that how???? ah okay
  5. where were you in fall 2017, yes we did I'm Not Hungry Anymore was never finished, so the two versions we got are demos.
  6. if we got two INHA demos, I think we'll get this eventually
  7. i cried at that snippet Marina's music speaks to me in a way only one other artist has
  8. i must be really out of the loop with Lana rumors...
  9. i think it's time we all clocked out and take a walk outside. Some of you should find a nice cliff (this isn't a suicide joke don't try to drag me) and just scream, let the echo fill your ears, and take a seat and stream Handmade Heaven
  10. forever crying at the fact that we dont have the complete BB stems Seriously that song makes me wanna break the hearts of every boy alive, it has huge BDE
  11. I also just noticed in TBD instrumental, theres little hints of Art Deco's synths
  12. I can only wonder what the outtakes for this album sound like. Honestly the album instrumentals could be a movie soundtrack. Every song, I picture a different scene. They're so heavenly, especially all the strings (the strings/synths in Religion are straight orgasmic) Swan Song's instrumental has to be the most cinematic, ethereal, atmospheric, and entrancing production out of all her songs tbh
  13. godsmonster


    tbh I love the Vertié remix
  14. I had a really vivid dream about Lana last night: I was at the site where her new house was being constructed, and it was down the street from my friends house, and it was so vivid I know exactly what part of the street. It sat on top of a ravine (i think thats the right word), with a beautiful view of a city in the distance (in reality you can't see the city, since it was a real city in my state.) It was a beautiful modern house, with huge windows facing the city view, white with some black. There was a huge porch in the back being built, but most of the house was finished. The next part was I was inside her house, in her kitchen. It was modern just like the rest of the house, and Lana and I sat at her kitchen island, just talking. She was so down to Earth and relax, and it was just like I was talking to one of my friends. The only thing I remember asking her was what she hated the most, and she said "I hate when my fans comment on my photos demanding me to post more" and she laughed, and that's all I remember. She was wearing a plain white tshirt, and jeans, with her hair up in a ponytail.
  15. where the fuck is the Elle appreciation thread?????
  16. i really feel like she was kidding with that statement
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