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Everything posted by godsmonster

  1. ANYWAY I hope Cinnamon makes it through the cutting room floor and onto the album
  2. i absolutely love this cover. and Ben is so f*cking cute
  3. I can't wait for Lana's Joanne era! im kidding dont drag me
  4. godsmonster

    Cat Pierce (CAT)

    where's her debut album as a solo artist at?
  5. I've never liked The Other Woman, it should have been a deluxe edition track, at best
  6. Neil Krug could like get it no seriously i love his photography, with and without Lana
  7. Yosemite Gemstones Sharon Tate Seflies Opioid Crucifix French Quarter Chastity Cape Cod Mistress
  8. yeah but in all actuality, this was fairly easy. except for one
  9. @@SparkleJumpropeNoose you are a dirty wh*re for some of those questions btw
  10. whoops i didnt read the whole post lol
  11. Fine China, for its storytelling and lyrics
  12. Honeymoon has the most beautiful production, instrumental wise. It's so cinematic, I can picture the whole album instrumentals as a movie soundtrack. Title track? Hauntingly beautiful. the strings/synths on the bridge of Religion? GORGEOUS (the 4:15 mark) Swan Song? So dreamlike
  13. Guns and Roses is a fucking fantastic song, truly one of my favorites from Ultraviolence. I've loved it since day one
  14. yeah, i feel you. I preordered UV back in 2014 and just found out i had those lyrics wrong last year
  15. This is really bad... I thought in Money Power Glory she sang "LA, New York, I wanna take you for all that you got/ LA, New York, I'm gonna take them for all that they got"
  16. Am I the only one that wants the Target edition to come with a poster again?
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