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Everything posted by LAman

  1. I know about the chemosphere!!! I love it! And yes I looked up the Schwimmer House and that's the one used for the WM video! Does Lana live there?? I love both houses, I'd die of happiness to live in either one hahaha Here is the balcony from the Schwimmer House:
  2. Thanks for those comparisons! Didn't realize how many photos Lana has done in that house, but I also noticed it was similar to the Stargirl insta video. i love this house hahaha
  3. Same house/balcony from White Mustang video??? There's more from the shoot in this google search https://www.google.com/search?q=Rachel+Bilson+Craig+De+Cristo&rlz=1C1CHZL_enUS741US741&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi10fDqjbrWAhUKwWMKHdcpB08QsAQIJQ&biw=1536&bih=798#imgrc=r01AC6oznWjZHM:
  4. LAman

    Twitter Updates

    how can I work at a popup??? LANA I WANT TO MEET U
  5. ordered the windbreaker, but when do we get pre-sale code?
  6. Also does it matter for gender? IDK how sizing works hahhaahah
  7. Does anyone know where these pop up shops will be? What festival did she say? I'm confused but i want to go to a pop up shop LOL that's where the trench coat comes in handy
  8. Did she say all of those items will be included for the presale code? I guess I'll wait just in case...
  9. Did she say anything about the windbreaker being for all genders? lol the stream skipped over a part where she showed it to us.
  10. Why isn't the merch separated from the album? Everyone who wants merch already has the ablum Now I have to decide between that windbreaker and trench coat. Maybe both, but i need to save money for the tour lol
  11. LAman

    Instagram Updates

    That windbreaker is gonna be my life Hopefully I can afford those tour tickets. I bet she'll play in LA again, which is good for me lol
  12. Do you think there's a complete video for BAR? If it was intended for that song I would assume they made a whole video for it. Maybe we'll see it if Lana releases BAR in the future, but definitely don't expect that.
  13. Sorry if this was discussed already, but was Lana's house really used for this video? If so, do we have pics of the actual house and balcony? I'm curious to see how it compares to the opening shot.
  14. I see the video being more about the Manson cult since the blood on the walls is a reference to what his followers did. I envision a video of Lana going back and forth from past and present throughout Topanga Canyon while living through scenes with the Manson cult. She probably wouldn't do that since that may be too controversial for her, but I think it would be a cool and dark idea like the song itself.
  15. Lana really needs to end this era with a good music video. White Mustang is beautiful but the scenes don't match with the song especially because it was made for another song. Also I noticed that after she gets in the car and then they dance it becomes from night to day, which doesn't make sense. ughhh.
  16. I kinda want her to do another EP so that we can get an EP sampler like the Paradise one (maybe with outtakes from the WM video??). Also, bring controversial Lana back with her pepsi cola
  17. I realized that our problem here is that we know too much. Most people have no clue about BAR, just like how most people didn't know about the scrapped UV music video. Add leakers to the mix and it's a whole mess. So much potential I wanna pull my hair out. That being said, Lana is doing great compared to other artists. I care more about the art and storytelling though. p.s. Thank god for Lanaboards so that I can express how I feel when no one else gave a damn
  18. Cause she a boss. Her face after she says "yeah" is priceless tho! So cute!
  19. I remember when she released that homemade OTTR video. I was disappointed then as well
  20. Let's not act like BTD/Paradise only had the good videos...I mean SOC is a masterpiece and West Coast has a special place too. Oh and Love is one of the best music videos of all time! Lana still has it in her, but it's up to her to put that effort. EDIT: White Mustang has the best visuals i've seen from her imo, but it wasn't executed right.
  21. There was so much potential to make this video even better, it kills me. I love the whole concept of the video, but White Mustang doesn't fit with it. I mean it could, but Lana doesn't sing to the song at all. The video deserves more action, but I love that house and city landscape...so beautiful
  22. Now I finally understand how leaking new material can severely affect an artist and their art. I hope this never happens again like what happened to BAR. It'll still probably happen to Lana, but maybe leakers now understand what they do is bad for art. I'm having a Lana crisis
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