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Everything posted by LAman

  1. So far, my favorite part of this era was when the Love video was released. I remember crying tears of joy. White Mustang come thru
  2. TBH...especially UV 2.0 I know people will say it won't happen but I don't care.
  3. LAman

    Instagram Updates

    So apparently the song (from the last insta post) according to Shazam is Girl by Duffy, but I can't find it anywhere Lana mama, how are you listening to this song? And where can I find it?
  4. Also, I'm pretty sure the guitar style was inspired by the Eagles, which is an American band from Los Angeles. And we know there's a big Hispanic influence in LA.
  5. YoUrE ReViN AnD ReViN aNd ReViN iT uP
  6. I listen to White Mustang on repeat everyday, so I'm happy with that choice for a mv. Sucks to be someone who doesn't feel that way. I think White Mustang is one of my favorite Lana songs in general. I felt that was going to be the case when we heard that first insta snippet.
  7. LAman

    Charli XCX

    Good Girls is sooooo amazing
  8. If there is gonna be another video, it will either be Cherry, God Bless America, or maybe even In My Feelings. I wouldn't expect any other songs to get one, but hey, she may surprise me
  9. It really does feel like an end of an era right now
  10. I do remember her filming something else but that might of been for Chuck's project not hers. Idk it might of been that witch one which was debunked somehow
  11. About Adele doing Bond again, I guess I wouldn't mind since I'd rather have Lana be the voice for the next Bond actor lol but if Lana did it with Daniel Craig I wouldn't be mad
  12. I also think of Million Dollar Man, and weirdly enough Backfire as well as I Want It All (only the chorus).
  13. Even though we all heard Serial Killer a billion times, I'd like her to put that song on the potential unreleased album. I think it also deserves a high budget music video.
  14. I think an obvious one is James Bond. I'll be in heaven the day she sings a song for a Bond movie.
  15. The lyrics remind me so much of a Tori Amos song! Who's with me on this? I mean there is something random and unclear about their lyrics, but there is deep meaning.
  16. I keep replaying Cherry and White Mustang, but I always play White Mustang first cause I like it a lil more. Wish it was before Cherry
  17. Most songs should be from LFL and the rest can be from whatever besides BTD. Songs from LFL I'd prefer are Cherry, White Mustang, In My Feelings, God Bless America, Love, Heroin. Also maybe Religion or Swan Song (or both)
  18. To me, the first one is cumming, and the second one is gunning. Don't care if I'm wrong cause I'll continue to sing it the same way
  19. IDGI why do streams count but my plays on itunes don't??? doesn't make sense If we counted itunes plays then Lana would for sure be #1
  20. I hope what she posted on her old twitter account isn't our only teaser for WM
  21. FYI my mother loves Tomorrow Never Came and BPBP. I put LFL on her phone, and now I'm in my room hearing her listen to those songs
  22. I love Change, but I always skip it...especially when I'm listening to the album with other people
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