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Everything posted by PerwinkleDreams

  1. If Ben let Lana release the HM cover we have now, and HIADT cover, can you imagine how fucking bad NFR cover must've been...
  2. everybody in NFR thread talking about how they want HIAB to be the next single but I post about wanting Cinnamon instead
  3. Ok but seriously how did Lana even get in touch with Lizzy to collab on Get Free chorus, like I was fucking shook
  4. honestly.... if time travel was possible or if cloning was legal that's probably the only collab I would support
  5. I guess we all have our own opinions on what demos are As long as no one calls everything that isn't the final a demo, because that means an acapella is an alt demo, an alt mix is a demo, etc. Which would mean West Coast has 3 demos considering the slighty different mixes
  6. banned for having a cute edit profile pic
  7. Starry Eyed Black Beauty Hollywood Angels Forever JFK Trans-Am that honestly works well together tbh so I wouldn't doubt that it's a real song
  8. Banned because I'm a mod and I'm asserting my dominance over you
  9. beautiful people literally is different lyrics and a different key, obviously it's a demo summertime sadness demo sounds different summer bummer demo to me isn't a demo it's literally just an early mix I'm saying if we're considering everything that is slighty different to be a demo then damn
  10. All I'm saying is recording a melody on your phone in voice notes, sending it to your producer for him to make an instrumental (Lana has said before most of the time Rick would make her an instrumental to sing over before there was even a demo) then singing over it, and editing it a tiny bit the next day isn't considered a demo to me personally just because you have one different synth, maybe an unmixed drum session, that's not the purpose of demos... they're meant for you to see what direction you should take the song into, just like how diverse BTD demos were. If you wanna called an unmixed session with one different synth a demo, then damn might as well call her voice notes demos too! Like I get what you mean, but there's really a difference between an early version of a song, a demo and a rough concept. I'm saying Lana presumably went from rough concept to early version Just my opinion babes
  11. BTD aka back when Lana put effort into her albums sis... Sometimes you guys fail to realize BTD has been in the works since 2009.... where as UV and Honeymoon were birthed in a year. There's definitely no HM demos, only outtakes. But it's fun to dream!
  12. I'd so love that, but I don't really see her making music for movies anymore. It sort of feels like she lost interest in making music for stuff life that, but hopefully I'm wrong!
  13. 0:05 is the only news we got https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUUPAj650rk also wanted to say Cinnamon is gonna be the best song off NFR
  14. How do I embed a tweet? this bitch listened to Ruby Tuesday smh http://twitter.com/jillianriscoe/status/2744916448
  15. Oh my bad I read "demos" I was like there's sure as hell no Honeymoon demos, Rick let's Lana put out whatever she wants and she loves using the first recording and instrumental, plus you can kinda tell they are none just by the way it sounds. But yeah outtakes would be so interesting!
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