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Trash Magic

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Everything posted by Trash Magic

  1. Trash Magic


    Choosing boxes 2&5. That subliminal advertising
  2. Trash Magic

    Miley Cyrus

    Happy birthday to this music legend
  3. Trash Magic


    A future wedding classic I keep going back to listen to 21 cause I'm literally scared ill overplay the new album
  4. Trash Magic

    Miley Cyrus

    I wanna go to the milky milky milk tour
  5. Trash Magic


    500k iTunes sales were pre-orders so beyoncé still holds the record for highest first 24hr sales on iTunes
  6. Trash Magic


    noooo I meant I prefer that and they don't sell it in the UK. I need that alasdair photo in digipak
  7. Trash Magic


    so i guess they are only selling digipak in target. smh
  8. Trash Magic

    Miley Cyrus

    Lighter music video https://www.facebook.com/MileyCyrus/videos/vb.5845317146/10153845673937147/?type=2&theater
  9. Trash Magic


    Picked up my copy and just listened through. whew album feels like an instant classic even ignoring the hype around it. Very uplifting compared to 21. Loved every track. One of the stand outs for me - Million Years Ago - sounds very similar to My All by Mariah Carey and Sweetest Devotion reminded me of I Can Fly instrumentally. Will be watching Adele at the BBC tonight
  10. Trash Magic

    Kanye West

    and he hasn't payed attention to his music career much. you're even
  11. Trash Magic

    Kanye West

    at yeezy s2 premier
  12. Trash Magic


    Waited long enough ill wait til i pick up my copy on friday
  13. Trash Magic

    Kali Uchis

    Omgggg kali liked my cover on tumblr
  14. Trash Magic

    Kali Uchis

    I just came across this interview from February and she said she already had the album title and artwork done Also mentioned the song title "Heatwave" http://www.thefourohfive.com/music/news/article/kali-uchis-interviewed-142
  15. Trash Magic

    Miley Cyrus

    love dead petz
  16. Trash Magic

    Kali Uchis

    tell me ur thoughts..
  17. Trash Magic


    Can't wait for 25 to become the best selling album of all time
  18. Trash Magic


    that note in when we were young
  19. Trash Magic


    can't believe the album release imminent
  20. yes, only when in iconic photoshoots in the year 2011 by legendary photographers
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