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honey dew

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Posts posted by honey dew

  1. 28 minutes ago, Lanaparadiserey said:

    Guns And Roses is actually an excellent song and I’m like 99% sure all the hate it gets is pure bandwagoning. 

    Like it isn’t the best song ever but it isn’t any worse than Sad Girl lmao

    Guns And Roses one of her bestest psychedelic moments :true:

  2. 4 minutes ago, redsangrias said:

    Who do we want as the album art photographer? Chuck? Neil? Nikki Lane’s iPhone? If she was smart she would hire Nadia Lee Cohen 


    Neil! She’s gonna give that perfect vintage Americana hand-coloured film effect. And she already said she just worked on something in Nashville where Lana has been recently so :yayaya:

  3. It's not even funny im sick of the darkness in the world 😢 It's making me depressed we're gonna tear another hole in the ozone layer from the sheer amount of hostility and negativity being generated on this planet.. it's likke a greenhouse gas bitch we're burning up I want friendliness, kindness of strangers, peace, corniness, true love 

  4. 20 hours ago, evalionisameme said:

    Ooooorange oooorange is probably the worst hook of all time tbh 💀


    Come to think of it “O-o-o-o-o-o-orange. O-o-o-o-o-o-orange. O-o-o-o-o-o-orange. O-o-o-o-o-o-orange” as a hook is kindof groundbreaking :shock2:

  5. 22 minutes ago, MakingOut said:

    finally i’m here.



    i’m so sick and tired of this man. he literally makes the most boring productions and tries to shit talk. 


    not even to be a Kanye fan cuz that man is weird but let’s be bffr rn, he really think he gonna out stream KANYE WEST?????

    :um4: See this is what happens when you feed an insecure man's ego too much now Jack thinks he's a bad bitch

  6. 17 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:

    decided to listen to heaven or las vegas by the cocteau twins because i liked heaven or las vegas... and heaven or las vegas is the only song off of the album i can see myself going back to :whatever2:


    ...decided to listen to souvlaki by slowdive because i liked alison... and alison is the only song off of the album i can see myself going back to :whatever2:


    but, trying to discover new music and ending up not really caring for it can be so discouraging :prettyhurts:

    You might like Cocteau Twins album Head Over Heels more, it's darker and weirder and has really OTT reverb

  7. 6 hours ago, #FreeCandyNecklace said:

    Omg I’m so dumb, I thought this was an actual interview from recently and was shocked Azealia was team Lana again 


    4 hours ago, honeymoon is alive said:

    somehow i feel like azealia will be team lana again one day :sideeye:

    I really hope and pray but for that to happen she would actually need to swallow her pride. of which the likelihood is as close to zero as mathematically possible

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