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Everything posted by movebaby

  1. [in the you're a dreamer you dream a lot in your sleep voice] i'm a bait taker...i take bait a lot on lanaboards...
  2. 95% of lana's discography, including every song from nfr/this "era" > wh*te m*st*ng
  3. if you don't like venice bitch you're tasteless sorry i don't make the rules
  4. my deepest condolences go out to those not vibing with the glorious summery sexy hazey dreamy funky eargasmic B O P that is doin' time
  5. taking deep breaths and focusing on your member title rn
  6. wasn't hope really critically acclaimed though? i feel like the only reason she would see criticism toward it was if she was combing through sites like this or something. i remember lots of positive press when it came out
  7. my $0.02 on the hope is a keyboard smash discourse: i actually really love the somewhat awkward, almost ungainly lines (e.g. ipad, shaking my ass, etc. etc.). they kind of break the 4th wall a bit and feel like an allusion to the whole idea of feeling not entirely comfortable in her image/persona. like yes, she could write another song about eternal love and red lipstick and jewelry and being pretty while she cries and her beautiful man and cars and the color blue and drinking and smoking and living fast and dying young and eating ice cream, with lyrics that look and sound pretty and fit into aesthetic moodboards, but instead she inserts these decidedly unpoetic images into her usual template. the whole thing feels almost abrasive: the lyrics, the almost total lack of production (you want strings? you want beats? you want guitars? here, have a couple piano chords), the aggressively informal cover art, the sentence-length, decapitalized title (no other song in her discography has a title like that). the more i think about it, the more it appears like a concerted effort to smash things up, especially considering it's the last complete song we've gotten from her. it seems almost like a tacit scream of frustration, like someone locked in a room (the persona/sound/style/image she's acquired, for better or for worse) banging on the walls and smashing the glass in the picture frames. like, "maybe i can't unlock the door and leave but i can at least subvert what i'm supposed to do in here and how i'm supposed to behave." maybe i'm reaching but when you put all the pieces together it just feels really sad and desperate and angry idk even despite the chorus and title
  8. hell yes, your profile pic feeds my soul
  9. ohh i got you! i'll go edit that post rn and add line breaks, sorry!
  10. hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaahahahh i would love for it to, um, be released at some point
  11. the only straight guy i know who listens to her in any capacity is my dad (who is the reason i got introduced to her lol) and he talks way more about how hot she is than the actual music
  12. i 100% agree, like as much as i possibly can. if this is the case with her it's absolutely not a free pass for her to get away with being irresponsible/lazy/uncommunicative. sure, it makes it a lot harder, and it sucks, and i really do feel for anyone in that position...but as someone else with a long and winding history of various types of mental health fuckery that i too still live with currently, that doesn't mean your responsibilities suddenly vanish. (also not to derail the thread but the part i put in bold is something i've never even thought about that makes SO much sense. i tend to beat myself up over every little thing and give other people the benefit of the doubt for so much longer than they deserve. why on earth shouldn't i hold them to a similar standard? idk why i've never thought much about that but it makes perfect sense to me. my triple cancer/12th house stellium ass just wants to baby everyone but myself lol)
  13. take a shot every time a new account comes into this thread to say the record label is holding up the album
  14. ok put me in a clown costume and call me president of speculation nation but honestly the only theory that makes real sense to me, as far as the album delay, is that she's depressed and just doesn't care about nfr anymore. i don't want to be some self-important armchair psychologist and run around throwing diagnoses at people with my absolute and total lack of any qualifications, but i just think it's a strong possibility, based on my own experiences. i went through something like this a few months ago where i just absolutely lost all interest and motivation toward what has been my number one passion for essentially my whole life, and it was, to put it mildly, fucking miserable. i know that, for myself, i absolutely cannot put work or effort into anything unless i'm somehow inspired by it or convinced of its importance, and when i lose interest there's no way it will happen. i have to wonder if she's in a similar boat. i know i'm the first to trash her up and down and call her lazy and irresponsible for not communicating with us, but i do genuinely feel bad if it's a mental health thing bc i can empathize. anywho the cover sounds FUCKING AMAZING UGHHH YES SERVE ME SUMMERY TRIP HOP BTD VIBES LANA I'M SO PROUD brb gotta go play that snippet on loop for the next 373823 hours
  15. i really hope she doesn't change the pronouns if she keeps the og lyrics. i'd be fine with a rework and rewritten verses, that could be really cool, but pronoun/gender switching feels like someone took a cheese grater to my nervous system
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