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Everything posted by lanasgirl

  1. Can people please stop being so rude? Did I offend you in any way? No, I didn't, I simply stated my opinion and if you don't agree with it, you may tell me politely or you may not tell me at all. Also, what's wrong with being politically correct? Why make it sound like an insult towards me? Or did you just want to be sassy because you were bored? Jesus Christ, get a life.
  2. Yes. The thing is that I'll just ignore the song because I think that Lana is a good person, but shit like that makes me angry. I mean she knows what it's like to be insulted in public. And the fact that she feels the need to talk about someone else like that just makes it very clear that she's not in peace with herself which is sad.
  3. Uhm no, it's not like I've been talking about it for three years, sorry.
  4. It's immature and embarrassing tbh. Everyone's gonna talk about that song and not because it's so very well composed, no because it's a diss song.
  5. FMWUTTT has been totally ruined for me when she started slut shaming. I'm really disappointed.
  6. My favourites so far are Cruel World, Brooklyn Baby, Sad Girl, Fucked My Way Up To The Top and Guns and Roses!! These just sound heavenly.
  7. Is that Barrie singing in the end? When she starts to sing "Yeah my boyfriend's pretty cool but he's not as cool as me"? Please say he is singing that
  8. What also bothered me about her definition of a "true feminist" is that not only women are feminists, Lana, men can agree with equality too.
  9. Omfg dying this is the most exciting thing in my life atm AH FUCK WEST COAST
  10. I love her laugh, she sounds so sweet and relaxed and SO NICE AND AAAAH FANGIRLING SO HARD RIGHT NOW
  11. The interviewer only posted the preview yet, you can find it here: Description: Lana talks about her upcoming album Ultraviolence and her new tattoo prior to her not-so-secret gig that night. Update: Listen to the whole interview!
  12. The boy who interviewed Lana at The Shrine in LA made a Youtube channel and uploaded the interview.
  13. @@Rafael thanks for translating this!
  14. But we've only heard 40 seconds of "Brooklyn Baby", I don't understand why people think it sucks lyrically? Also, if it really sucks, the vibe makes up for it, like totally imo.
  15. Am I the only one who hears "daddy" when she's like "badadadadada" in Brooklyn Baby?????????????? ALSO YES I LOVE IT I LOVE IT
  16. I always thought of bruises too, so yeah. Good theory actually.
  17. Ah you guys, thank you so so much! You make me smile! Kisses.
  18. Ah thanks it's nice that someone appreciates it I liked it a lot too, she was very open.
  19. http://lanasdaily.tumblr.com/post/86807175923/lana-del-rey-interviewed-for-intro-magazine-june-2014 So since Lanaboards didn't publish my translation, I posted it on my Lana blog. I will edit and correct it tomorrow, but I'm way too tired right now. Enjoy!
  20. Yes I will post it on Tumblr and post the link here when I get home.
  21. I posted my translation some hours ago but it's not getting published, I'm kinda pissed off right now. I worked more than an hour on it.
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