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Everything posted by lanasgirl

  1. Happy - 39 Froot - 31 I'm A Ruin - 29 Blue - 16 Can't Pin Me Down - 10 Better Than That - 8 Savages - 20 Immortal - 19
  3. lanasgirl


    just watched the first clip of the 2nd episode and ugh i really want them to get together yousef is SO CUTE the way he's dancing omg
  4. i just did! i really hope they'll answer
  5. so i'd have to buy two and hope for the best??
  6. guys if i buy this, is it like 100% sure that i get the cover they show in the preview?? just confused cos there are two covers?? and i want the pink one
  7. Cruel World 87 Shades of Cool 95 Brooklyn Baby 44 Pretty When You Cry 20
  8. Which Facebook group? Love these interpretations.
  9. I hope it doesn't spread. So far, people are very quiet about this. Let's hope it stays that way
  10. can you imagine how much this record will slay. oh god
  11. I so agree with this, I'm scared they'll do too much to it
  12. Shit I just went on here and now I'm listening and I'm DEAD
  13. I'm from Germany and I bought the Interview magazine (2012) when it came out with Lana on the cover cause I already loved her back then And you know what? My mum spilled water all over it.
  14. video games 20 west coast 56 shades of cool 42 brooklyn baby 39
  15. I'm like 80% sure that she would consider doing collabs with Father John Misty, ASAP Rocky and The Weeknd. I agree with @@CrazySister's thought that she might collab with Alex Turner. Also, she loves Bruce Springsteen. Do you guys think it's possible for her to be able to collab with him? Like, she was so close to get to work with Lou Reed. That's why the thought of her working with Springsteen doesn't seem THAT unlikely. But I'm not sure who else she would collaborate with... Which women would she want featured on her songs? Some female artists Lana likes: Cat Power ( ) Rihanna (I can't imagine a collab here though tbh) Marina Diamandis (Their Twitter conversation doesn't seem like they've talked a lot recently though) Courtney Love (hmmm I don't think so) SoKo (Did I make this up or did it seem like they were friends and SoKo commented on Lana's Instagram?)
  16. "Don't worry baby" feels like a hug from Lana and makes me feel so loved by her even though she doesn't even know I exist
  17. I second this cos I'll be at work! And if I miss even 30 seconds, I'll be devastated So is anyone gonna record? Also, I wonder for how long she'll be live. I don't think she's gonna do more than 10-15 minutes.
  18. She's like "Judging you all..." "...but I love you"
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