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Everything posted by Waywent

  1. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    haha, i don't think so! there was a brief period of time where people pretended to have super ultra demos to get things like "machines" or "feel my pain", two very sought-after unreleased songs at the time. go ahead and post them, i'd love to hear what people were trying to pass off as real
  2. Waywent


    Okay, I really like this album. But like, does anyone else agree that Allie kind of kills a lot of the momentum on her songs by constantly just copying and pasting parts of them with like, no added ornamentation or anything? Songs like Downtown, Lifted, True Love is Violent and Sanctuary really could use more than just the same chorus arrangement and vocal take. Sanctuary isn't even on this album, I'm just still mad about how much better the video version of Sanctuary is than the album version for literally only that one reason. As for bridges, the fucking Need You and TLIV bridges are some of the highlights of the entire album! Why then, with the ability to write such good bridges, do Paper Love, Lifted, Simon Says, and Downtown not even have them?? In Lifted and Simon Says' cases, it's just the intro again! Even the high belts (that I have no idea why she's so afraid to showcase, her low range is not where she shines) are so slathered in so many effects that they barely fit into the songs themselves. Old Habits Die Hard's last "HAAAAAAARRDDDD" should be the focus of the last chorus, but it sounds like it's 10 miles away. There's like a single extra "uh huh" in Vintage that really doesn't add that much to the song. And if no one else is gonna say it, the main riff of Vintage is literally just a Rick Roll and the chorus melody of Lifted is pretty much just right out of Shrek.
  3. Waywent


    or worse, some self-entitled ones who are ready to let this be the slowest and most excruciating leak
  4. Waywent


    huuuuge step backwards lyrically
  5. Waywent


    those lyrics are god-awful, so we can only pray they're fake.
  6. Waywent


    uh, i think your drums are a little off
  7. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    this thread fuckin' sucks recently.
  8. Waywent


    yikes, those "keys" are totally not Allie
  9. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    we're saying that uffie is influential to Charli, which she is.
  10. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    regardless, you have uffie to thank for charli xcx entirely so the disrespect will not be tolerated.
  11. Waywent


    gotta say, i am just like, not at all excited for collxtion ii. she is so bad at promoting her songs that pretty much all the hype for it has been eliminated.
  12. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    That demo is from before the legendary Giorgio Moroder got to it, here's the official released version.
  13. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    Personally, I think what happened was either CupcakKe, Charli, or A.G. realized she wrote a damn good verse and didn't have to write another stanza. Eatin' all these sweets, fuck around and get a cavity Used to call you Daddy, but now I call you my majesty Hittin' me from the back, but not talkin' 'bout a battery Let's bring a hundred girls to the room, what's your capacity? That's a fucking hook, and it's clear that everyone noticed that too, hence the repeating of "Bring a hundred girls to the room" over the next chorus. Just hooks on hooks on hooks.
  14. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    why do we constantly feel the need to pit not only artists, their albums, but even the songs on them against each other?? like, let's be real for a sec, there really is not a bad song on Number 1 Angel. It is a SERIOUSLY good body of work. The only problem I have with the ENTIRE thing is that the chorus of Babygirl is too long, and Uffie's verse is too short. PC Music, SOPHIE and John Hill did a damn good job on this mixtape.
  15. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    This mixtape is literally exclusively produced by SOPHIE and PC Music (down to fucking Life Sim lmao) with the exception of John Hill on Babygirl... Bounce, No Angel and GNO are being saved for the album, those are SOPHIE and A.G. Cook as well. And Charli said the album is done with Bloodpop, SOPHIE and Stargate working together, so we'll be getting more SOPHIE-produced things too, but collaboratively, not exclusively. If you're talking about the other Exchange tracks (Taxi, TKO, Daddy Knows, Hey Boy Hey Girl) , they're probably going to either be shelved or sold to other artists (or possibly released by SOPHIE ) but that's just kinda how it is with demos. She wanted to perform new songs, and did. If you feel like she should've performed mixtape tracks instead, she straight-up hadn't written them yet. Like, we have to remember the Exchange show was literally before she went into the studio with A.G. and wrote Dreamer, Blame It on You, Drugs and White Roses at the very least, probably Emotional and 3AM too, maybe even ILY2, so that's at least half the mixtape that didn't even exist before a month ago. And Lipgloss was nothing but a hook and a bridge before CupcakKe put her verse on it like, 2 weeks ago.
  16. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    1. Dreamer feat. Starrah and RAYE 2. 3AM (Pull Up) feat. MØ 3. Blame It On U 4. Roll With Me 5. Emotional 6. ILY2 7. White Roses 8. Babygirl feat. Uffie 9. Drugs feat. Abra 10. Lipgloss feat. CupcakKe official tracklist
  17. Waywent


    uh, either 2014 or 2015, i don't know for sure, if you can find the selfie they took in the studio on their instagram that'll probably tell you. they also once got "what's the Allie X collab called" in a Q&A or whatever and they responded "Intervention"
  18. Waywent


    for the chainsmokers' production, this isn't terrible tbh. absolute let-down into the second chorus though, just copying and pasting. edit: oh ew, they sing on it too.
  19. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    @Madrigal and I gonna be jammin' out to this mixtape on Friday before the Danny L Harle show, what a fuckin' DAY
  20. Waywent


    green light gets better with every listen for me! on the first listen i wasn't really into it, but it's really growing on me.
  21. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    eh, i'm good here. i'm super hype for dreamer, that song is awesome.
  22. Waywent


    casanova is really...bad...
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