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Everything posted by Waywent

  1. if you could prove any evidence of the "Neros" site, be it archives or screenshots or even metadata in song files, that would help your case immensely. since it's defunct you don't have to worry about anything getting out.
  2. Waywent


    I slept to it every night this week, and I'm not even kidding, I've had nightmares every night since falling asleep to it
  3. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    he produced ON it, meaning anything from he helped write it, made the twinkly melody sounds, or he may have only made the squeaky sound at the end of the chorus, which is just five seconds Personally, the song sounds much more Stargate than SOPHIE, and the credits seem to support that.
  4. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    target edition bonus tracks probably aren't decided 8 months in advance tbh
  5. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    hey put those lyrics over a SOPHIE beat and it's probably good
  6. Waywent

    Melanie Martinez

    so what is it called?
  7. Waywent

    PC Music

    I think it's safe to say the main reason this forum lacked a PC Music thread is because the forum is first and foremost for Lana Del Rey fans.
  8. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    i have bad news for you: you're not a fan of charli xcx, you're a fan of true romance.
  9. Waywent

    Britney Spears

    This album is actually really good! Definite standouts to me are Do You Wanna Come Over, Man on the Moon, No Seas Cortes and Coupure Electrique, Do You Wanna Come Over and Coupure Electrique being my favorites.
  10. Waywent


    Sorry, I was going off of her ASCAP registration. The main point of my post was just about how annoying Titanic Sinclair is.
  11. Waywent


    What's kind of annoying to me is that her aesthetic is really not her aesthetic at all. Everything she does is written and directed entirely by Titanic Sinclair, except for her music, and even then she doesn't even have a writing credit on "Money" (her best song in my opinion) She literally films all of her videos in his living room, often on the same backdrops, and it's just his constant over-consumerist Illuminati wannabe "brainwashed millennial teen who can't tell the difference between an iphone and jesus, the internet is real life" thing over and over. Except if you look, his videos have almost no views because they're pretentious as fuck and make him completely unlikeable. However, Poppy has that air of curiosity to her image and the same gratuitous use of Illuminati symbolism that keeps the conspirators talking and coming back. She has that kind of soul-piercing stare that makes it possible for someone to watch her read the Bible for 49 minutes. She calls a dog a "doge" because Poppy is supposed to be a creature of the new Internet, so she only knows dogs as "doge" because of a popular meme. It's an interesting concept, but it gets old fast. Catch Titanic's annoying voice as the Skeleton here. And the sad thing is that she goes with it without question. For example, I'm sure any of you who've done your research have seen that interview she did where she seems positively normal. The people who posted that refused to take it down upon Poppy and Titanic's request, so it's a huge crack in her persona. Titanic responded with the Poppy video "Numbers", where you hear a bell going off on certain numbers. If you were to write down the numbers that the bell rings on, it's actually the phone number of the girl interviewing her in that video, which is just totally not okay, and he knew that the people who genuinely think Poppy is some kind of MK Ultra product would get curious about it. Honestly petty. And it's not even the first time he's done this kind of thing.
  12. Waywent


    The first pop musician I've seen who is literally an Illuminati wannabe, but after seeing that all of her videos are written and directed by Titanic Sinclair, I'm not even a little surprised.
  13. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    Girls Night Out has actually been popping up more and more in his sets! When I saw him live he didn't do it, but he had an afterparty after the show (which was 21+ -.-) and he played it there, and then at various other shows recently, so I wouldn't totally give up on it!
  14. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    A.G. Cook is her new creative director, and he's really good at not releasing music for a year at a time!!!
  15. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    have you listened to Do It Well recently? it's so good, the bridge is one of her best musical moments ever
  16. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    You'd better deliver on that Secret instrumental!
  17. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    There's also some of the Secret instrumental here: https://twitter.com/WarnerSync/status/732580077943332864 https://twitter.com/WarnerSync/status/732236757123633152 https://twitter.com/WarnerSync/status/732584007964184577 https://twitter.com/WarnerSync/status/733684517869899776 I want this instrumental the most. Vroom Vroom, Trophy and Paradise are pretty stable in their composition, but this one is just constantly evolving, I love it.
  18. Can this thread get active again? There are honestly just so many moments in Lana's discography that are noteworthy. I was listening to Honeymoon just now for the first time in a few months and I forgot that she takes that little breath during the last chorus where it's like "Our, honeymoon" and it's just this little moment of nuance, I love it.
  19. this thread just keeps getting worse. it is the middle of Ramadan. During this time of year, Islam states that Muslim people aren't even allowed to use swear words, let alone commit murder. This did not happen because Islam said it should. This killer reportedly got angry when he saw two men kissing once, and that was enough for him to go into a safe haven for the LGBT community and open fire. the fact that he is muslim is going to be used against him throughout this whole case, but really this was an instance of personalized homophobia and the fact that he could easily gain access to an assault weapon is the problem. obviously his religion could have influenced his homophobia, as it does in christianity as well, but it certainly did not drive him to terrorism.
  20. her name is also misspelled in the thread about her, it's hardly the most important thing to be angry about here.
  21. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    None of those titles are real. "ISIS" is probably a song called "Dynamite", and "Fuck Me" is probably "Get Dirty". Congratulations on having them, we'll envy you forever, promise. But honestly, fuck off posting lyrics with the damn trollface emoji, this isn't 2012.
  22. just sayin, i have never and will never fuck lana del rey in the ass
  23. Waywent

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    I think you're in the wrong thread???
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