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necessary sacrifice

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Posts posted by necessary sacrifice

  1. 9 minutes ago, Elle said:

    what artists? ? 

    ummm in particular, ones I wouldn’t mind selling are some Charli XCX, Iggy Azalea, Ariana Grande, Kesha, Borns. Maybe willing to part with some LA Witch, La Luz, The Beaches, Melanie Martinez, fka Twigs if there’s interest here, but those probably won’t actually go up for sale to the public. And I might have others I’ve forgotten that I’d still be willing to part with if someone asks bc I really don’t listen to lots of my albums as much as other people would since I have so many. I could list every artist I have from this past decade since I’m trying not to be stingy about what I sell.

  2. Are there any albums from the past decade any of you are looking for on vinyl in barely used condition? Lots of albums I’ve gotten that came out in the ‘10s I never listen to and are still in great shape, so I was thinking of maybe selling some before the holidays, so let me know if there’s anything any of you are looking for because I might have it (I don’t really have hip hop, but I’ve got lots of pop and indie). I’m putting a bunch up for sale next week, but I’m giving you guys first pick. 

  3. It’s cute and in general I wish Lana would release more 7” singles, but sadly I don’t collect singles (waste of time and energy for only 2 songs, plus they’re hard to take on and off the platter with my nails done lol). But I really hope the song does well because her voice really is so lovely on the track and if it’s successful she might feel obligated to put it on the standards album (if it isn’t already on it).

  4. When the Beach Boys were working on Pet Sounds, their label needed an album out for the holidays, but Brian Wilson refused to rush his masterpiece, so they had to quickly put together something else. So they recorded an unplugged cover album, then brought some friends in to record talking and giggling and stuff to add to the tracks, took some pictures playing at the beach, and quickly put together “Beach Boys Party!” in time for the holidays. When Lana first mentioned the idea of “Pacific Blue”, I had brought up how I wished Lana would do something like what The Beach Boys did, but that she probably wouldn’t..... I just remembered that now and realized that now she’s doing exactly that...... freaky

  5. I feel like this album will have a similar sound/vibe to Cat Power’s second cover album “Jukebox”. That one’s mostly Americana songs and it has a really nice bluesy atmosphere to it.

    It’d be cool if like that album, Lana also re-recorded one of her most famous songs in the style of the album and/or had a new song she wrote just for it, sandwiched between a bunch of classics, subtly inserting herself into the great american songbook and becoming a part of history.

  6. On 11/7/2020 at 3:40 AM, Deadly Cruel Girl said:

    I'm just so embarrassed to say I'm a Lana fan out loud. This woman really showed her other side in 2020.

    Trying really hard to stay a fan but she's making it real hard.




    Man it must be embarrassing posting on a site dedicated to her then. I can’t imagine your humiliation. If only there was something you could do about that....:flop:

  7. I’ve kept making changes to that Violet vinyl sleeve because I always see room for improvement. I drew a new cover, this time a different take on the same stanza. I thought it would be less pressure if I wasn’t trying to replicate the real cover. I know I’ll likely make a new cover again too (I kinda want to get some good paints and pick a different scene from her poems to recreate). But here’s today’s changes.




  8. I hope this project eventually gets a vinyl release too. I know it’s just digital for now, but I’m sure it would sell phenomenally if she eventually released physical copies. I mean, look how well Violet sold on vinyl despite being spoken word and not being on streaming services. Even if we have to wait til after Chemtrails for them to release the physical copies of this project, it’d be worth it.

  9. 11 minutes ago, IanadeIrey said:

    I love this! The gatefold especially is so pretty :flutter: amazing job!!! <3

    Aw thank you! The original sleeve underneath is Ringo Starr’s 1973 album RINGO, so you can thank Ringo Starr for the gatefold lol. Now I’m gonna have to find another damaged album to put aside for a sleeve for Behind the Iron Gates if it has a picture disc too because this was so much fun to make.

  10. I decided to make my own diy sleeve for my Violet picture disc since I hate picture disc packaging (they get so stiff and curly over time, and I can tolerate that usually, but Lana albums deserve better). I know it’s scrappy and the epitome of “cheap knock off” but I like it and I’m proud of how it turned out. I took pics with the standard gatefold sleeve to compare mine to. 


  11. My brother and I watch Addams Family Values every year so I got excited when I saw Lana’s post and I had to send it to him. Anyone who hasn’t watched it before should do it today, it’s better than the first one. Do it for Lana! 

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