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necessary sacrifice

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Posts posted by necessary sacrifice

  1. which poems are u most curious to hear based on title? i can't wait to hear tessa dipietro (a poem about a psychic? yes plz) and my bedroom is a sacred place now... (title is v evocative).


    edit: also quiet waiter blue forever bc it's one of my fav poems she's posted.

    My fave poem she posted was The Land of 1,000 Fires so I think that’s the one I’m most excited to hear. Also Barefeet on Linoleum because I really liked that poem too.

  2. I'm on lana stan twitter and actually, most of my mutuals never made fun of her when those pictures came out. It was then posted by popbase, and the beyhive, arianators, barbz, swifties, etc ripped her to SHREDS. we then started the hashtag in support of her and in general to raise awareness about combatting bodyshaming in the media and towards female celebs.

    God I need better Lana mutuals lol. My twitter timeline was entirely filled with Lana stans ripping her to shreds last night (sadly it’s often like that). But yeah I also saw literally every other stan community ripping her to shreds too. I hate it over there.

  3. I mentioned the little sister thing because that’s how she presented Chemtrails (we didn’t know back then it was its name) at the end of the year, when Norman was receiving all the acclaim for the end of the year reviews. We have yet to hear Violet in full, but I agree that Violet is maybe Norman’s mirror? She seems to have written a lot of Violet while recording Norman, and some themes will probably be very close on both album. Chemtrails might still be Norman’s little sister, and Behind the iron gates could be Violet’s little sister. If so, imagine how exciting both the second book and COCC will be... She seems to have gone a bit darker on the second book (and I hope the new album as well).

    I mean tbh the way I originally interpreted it was just that all her albums are her babies and that the one after Norman would be the little sister. The Violet thing I only thought of today because they’re both human names and it’s her next collection out into the world, so it just seemed neat to group them like that. I don’t necessarily think she meant anything tbh, I just liked how clever it seemed even if by accident.

  4. In the Chemtrails thread, someone mentioned the “Norman’s little sister” thing (sorry I can’t remember who!) and now I’ve been pondering that phrase again and I’m starting to think Violet is Norman’s little sister. I know that sounds weird but both albums have human names and are referred to by those names often. Idk maybe I’m overthinking that but I never thought of it before today so it felt like an epiphany when that came to me lol.

  5. I’m not sure it will be on Spotify since it’s an audiobook, though some of you said there were audiobooks on that platform, but on podcasts?!? As for Apple, it should be on iBook. Otherwise, it will be on audible, or Kobo or some other platform proposed by her website.

    There is an audiobook section on Spotify and it is like podcasts, but then someone on here linked an audiobook on Spotify that was in album form and they said there were a bunch like that so now idk which format it’ll be on Spotify but I’m pretty confident at the moment that it will at least be there. Hopefully as an album to make it easier for everyone to find, but I’m sure we’ll find it either way.

  6. I love this hair on her. The chunky blonde streaks in the front give me such pre-FM Stevie Nicks vibes and I dig that. Also as it was mentioned earlier here, her hair looks so much healthier here than it has in years, it was the first thing to jump out at me. Tbh I think she looks super pretty here and I was actually surprised everyone on Twitter was dragging her but then I remembered men are awful and are even worse on the internet. I also hope she doesn’t see the stuff people say because idk how I’d handle that shit.

  7. Jack actually fell out of a tree when he was seven years old, and the fall broke his fingers - since then he's been able to play the most beautiful chords with the strange and unusual positions of his fingers.



    Ok I know this is a joke about Lana’s tree story but tbh Joni Mitchell ‘s creative guitar playing was bc her hand was fucked from polio so that made this extra funny (maybe you were referencing that too, if so, niiice, if not, still nice lol)

  8. I’m starting to hope the album will be kind of all over the place. Since Violet is spoken word, we can assume the production will probably be fairly consistent throughout, and with Iron Gates next year, also spoken word, I’ll have two more beautifully poetic and sonically consistent collections (idc if it’s not really “singing“), so I’d be all for Chemtrails to be a lil wild, kinda white album style.

  9. i know y'all gonna send me to some institution for my delusion but....


    even if we're used to home-made lazy Lana, i know we'll get at least 1 more high budget era. LFL was pretty huge tbh, but i mean even better videos and, most importantly, artistry (a la BTD).



    What’s funny is lately I’ve been thinking the album after her second poetry album might be a big budget more commercial era like BTD and LFL again. Idk why specifically, it’s just a gut feeling I have.

  10. I was just listening to Joan Baez’s poetry album Baptism and I was holding the sleeve, looking at it, when I noticed in the corner there’s a tree with orange fruit on it (which I never really noticed before) so I wonder if the Violet cover was a bit of a homage to that since they’re both poetry albums and we know how much she loves Joan Baez. Here, I circled the tree for you guys. Idk how I never saw it there before but I guess I never really had a reason to notice it before.


  11. Aesthetically, Folklore is giving me Bob Dylan “John Wesley Harding” vibes and Joni Mitchell “Hejira” vibes. I hope sonically it’s in that kind of direction too.

  12. I think I’m gonna cancel my picture disc and order the double disc bundle. Not sure though since every other album I’ve gotten a standard black and an alternate, and I wouldn’t get a standard black this round if I got the cream and the picture disc, so that would be different. Part of me thinks I shouldn’t because I’ll wanna go buy one in shop the day it comes out, but idek if shops will be open in October, and I’ll have waited a couple months for a vinyl anyway, so it might not bother me if I have to wait an extra couple weeks for it to arrive.

  13. 1. Paintings by Joan Baez;


    Lana collaborated with Joan last year in Berkeley. These paintings here imply that Joan will probably be featured on Lana’s next album!

    Please please please! I need this!

  14. Okay so it's gonna be her, naked on a lounge chair with a biker dude as the pool boy, in front of a country club, with Chunk holding a birthday cake out of the window of the bathroom, and off to the side shall be a tea party served on a table and chairs constructed from cardboard boxes, with multi-coloured chemtrails in the air.


    And there will be a phone number on the cover like Honeymoon, and when you call, it shall be a weird company that will come and collect your cardboard boxes.


    That's it. That's the cover.


    There's no point arguing or resisting this concept, it has been foretold in dreams.

    I would actually live for something this chaotic. I can only wish..

  15. I can’t believe it’s only a week away!!!! I can barely contain my excitement. I have a feeling this project is gonna absolutely blow us away. I’ve been rereading some of the poems to get myself ready. It’s a shame the physical copies won’t be out til October, but I’m just so happy I’ll get to hear it at all.


    Does anyone have plans for their first listen?

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