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necessary sacrifice

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Posts posted by necessary sacrifice

  1. Idk if I’m speaking too soon, but with Violet now, I think I’d rank her albums:

    1. Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass

    2. Honeymoon

    3. Norman fucking Rockwell!

    4. Ultraviolence

    5. Lana Del Ray aka Lizzy Grant

    6. Lust for Life

    7. Paradise

    8. Born to Die


    (The bigger her discography gets, the worse I feel for albums ranked near the bottom bc I love them all.)

  2. Stepped in to say this is 100% her best album. Yes, even better than Honeymoon. The instrumentals have major Twin Peaks vibes and I think I almost prefer her speaking to singing, idk it’s just so soothing and emotional. My very favourite is indeed The Land of 1000 Fires, but Past the Bush Cypress Thriving is a surprising favourite, Sportcruiser is an obvious highlight & Quiet Waiter Blue Forever is so entrancing. Tbh every poem is a highlight. I can’t wait til autumn for the book&vinyl. Now back to listening to it on repeat.

  3. I honestly think it’ll be out on streaming services worldwide all at the same time, idk. Usually her singles drop at regional times and her albums drop all at once. And of course book apps would probably be allowed to release it the day of in their regions (or I guess a couple hours early?). Idk maybe I’m being delusional (call me a clown later if I’m wrong idc) but that makes sense to me. The drop is very messy so who knows lol.

  4. Other than a 20 second clip of LA Who Am I To Love You that I heard on twitter, I haven’t heard anything yet, but I’m glad I get to read the poems for now because it truly is holding me over til I get to listen (most likely tomorrow when I wake up but maybe tonight!)


    I’m so so so so so excited to hear the music and how she says everything, especially after all the praise on here today (especially from people who had no interest in this project before)

  5. These poems are really hitting me hard. I kinda feel almost like Lana would be happier just as a writer, like writing poetry, maybe short stories or even novels. Maybe even plays, musicals, idk. She could have a normal life and wouldn’t have to share her stories anymore but could still write bc she seems to need to write. I wouldn’t ever want her to leave music but sometimes I just really feel for her situation.

  6. All I want to hear in this life is a country version of Betty Boop Boop.


    When it comes to new album releases, this is my usual process:

    • I listen to whatever singles or snippets Lana herself puts out
    • I don't listen to the snippets posted on iTunes/music stores
    • I don't listen to leaks
    • I don't listen to new songs Lana's performed until the song is actually released (such as Cherry)
    • I wait until the album is available in my region on Spotify
    Once the album comes out, I listen to it the entire way through, including the previously released singles, and in the intended tracklist order. Also, if anyone disturbs me while doing this, they lose limbs.



    Until last album, I was like that too. I wish I was able to hold back last time. I was so good at rarely listening to singles and snippets til about May, then I lost control. And I even listened to the leaked album once before it came out and I still hate myself for that because I never do that and I wasn’t as excited when it dropped. I wanted to listen to it right away and nonstop and still do, but there was no jumping or screaming or anything, just “nice it’s on Spotify now”. This round I’m going back to not to listening to anything more than once if we get anything.

  7. they have to give her one and some point....right :( ?

    She probably will at some point. Even Joni Mitchell was given a Grammy for best pop album (lmao because she’s a girl I guess) in the 90s to make up for all the years being snubbed. And she even acknowledged at her Grammy interview that she knew they only gave it to her to make up for all the albums of hers they snubbed over the years. I think something similar happened to Bob Dylan too. Part of me feels like that’ll happen to Lana too. After a couple decades they’ll give her a Grammy for any random album to make up for all the years. They keep doing this but ever learn.

    Yeah no this info is bullshit. It’s just a tweet they made because YTH is their favourite song or something.

    Other tweets of the same person talking about YTH:




    And that’s the tweet they were inspired by:


    This weekend everyone on twitter was talking about her “never to heaven” poem sounding like a companion to “yes to heaven” by name so I bet they jumped on that discussion too and turned it into a rumour of the song coming out. Idek why people even make up rumours, like who does it serve?

  8. Song titles are not always as they seem. I prefer not to read too much into a song title before I have actually heard the song.


    At times, Lana's songs can flow like a David Lynch film where things are not exactly as they seem, they provoke thought and various interpretations.

    As much as I always give myself preconceived notions of what a song will sound like, I love this about Lana. I love how no matter what feeling a song title gives, the song itself can be entirely different. Half the time, the lyrics themselves aren’t even what they seem. And I love the Lynch comparison, I do think they have similar approaches to their art.

  9. will she ever take longer than a 2 year break? i had a random thought that she’s trying to get more albums out than TS since she’s at 8 studio albums but Lana isn’t too far behind.

    With the poetry albums, she’ll be at 10 in spring (If Iron Gates isn’t delayed) so I don’t think she has anything to worry about. Plus she’s been releasing music for 4 less years than Taylor and is still at the same point so idk why she would ever try to compete anyway. She’s already technically ahead lol. (I did wonder though if Taylor tried to get her album out before Lana’s, but so she could listen to Lana’s in peace lol)

  10. F: Serene Queen

    M: Off to the Races

    K: Florida Kilos


    (Sorry thé post went through twice so I thought I missed the one before me lol)


    Happiness is a Butterfly, God Bless America– and All the Beautiful Women in It, Salvatore

  11. Idk what it's worth but I was browsing the genius page of betty to have confirmation of the protagonist name and there's actually speculation that James might as well be a girl?


    " If the “Teenage Love Triangle” throughout the album is accepted as “cardigan,” “august,” and “betty,” it should be noted that the gender of James is never confirmed to be male throughout the songs. And though the narrator of “betty” notices that betty is standing with another boy at a dance, betty’s sexuality is never confirmed. Additionally, close friends of Swift’s, Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds, have three daughters, all of whose names have been used in “folklore,” James included. Since James is used as a name for a girl, it may be that Swift decided to use the name James as a girl’s name throughout the “Teenage Love Triangle.” "


    I think it's far fetched but that would be sooooooooo super cool


    I still don't have any favourites / standouts. I absolutely LOVE this record


    I love this theory because I’ve been convinced (despite the story she gave) that it’s actually a reworked song she wrote during her Fearless sessions (lyrically & sonically has that vibe) that Big Machine might’ve told her was too gay to release. (In another song she seemed to imply they wouldn’t let her sing about certain things, but maybe I’m wrong.) But that’s just my own theory bc it sounds like it belongs on Fearless and she woulda wrote that album at 17......

  12. I’m here to remind everyone Lana said she would go deeper in what feminism is to her... I hope she clears up better her controversial statement... because either it could go bad or good if she clears up everything. I’m a little worried thought it might be controversial and she gets trending and cancelled again

    I think it was Behind the Iron Gates that she said she’d go more into feminism in. I do wonder if there will be any controversial surprises in this one. Either way, people will find something to “cancel” her for again, but it won’t make a difference outside of social media.

  13. Which album cover did those of you who bought it get? I got this one. I actually like the regular “in the trees” one the best, but wanted to do something else for the physical copy.

    Me too! I also really liked the standard cover but wanted something different for my copy since there were so many choices and I also chose the hide and seek one. I thought the scenic ones would look the prettiest on a nice big vinyl sleeve. In the end, it was between this one and the running like water one, but I liked the blue vinyl better than the the grey.

  14. Personally, I think NFR is the Lana album with the least “Joni Mitchell” vibe to it and I’m convinced it’s only the one to get the comparisons because it’s the one where she made the most obvious references to Joni and critics don’t look much past surface level. I’d consider Honeymoon or AKA artistically to have the most Joni vibe out of all her albums. Sorry I’ve just been holding this in since NFR came out, especially after that pretentious Ann Powers review.

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