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necessary sacrifice

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Posts posted by necessary sacrifice

  1. Lana Del Ray - Norma Shearer

    Born to Die - Jeanette MacDonald

    Paradise - Jean Harlow

    Ultraviolence - Joan Crawford

    Honeymoon - Greta Garbo

    Lust for Life - Ginger Rogers

    Norman fucking Rockwell! - Carole Lombard

    Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass - Vivien Leigh

    Chemtrails Over the Country Club - hmmm maybe Miriam Hopkins?

  2. I’ve got one


    Lana Del Ray - The Magician

    Born to Die - Strength

    Paradise - The Devil

    Ultraviolence - The Hanged Man

    Honeymoon - The Hermit

    Lust for Life - Temperance

    Norman fucking Rockwell! - The Empress

    Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass - The Moon

    Chemtrails Over the Country Club - ....The Tower?

  3. I’m still so enchanted with this. I especially love how expressive she is with her voice during Quiet Waiter Blue Forever and What Happened When I Left You. And I love how cryptic and calming the title poem is. And I’m still so in love with Past the Bushes Cypress Thriving, especially when she goes “there you are!”, it just warms my heart so much. Overall, it reminds me of the kind of monologues from classic films, which I could listen to forever. It’s like LA Who Am I To Love You especially has such similar energy to the monologue at the beginning of Valley of the Dolls. And no matter whether people view this project as music or not, Bare Feet on Linoleum could’ve easily closed one of her regular albums and still been a major serve.

  4. I just had this idea.. what if the album cover features Lana standing on the ground with an airplane in the sky making skywriting that spells out the album title, or spells out "Lana Del Rey" or just "LDR". That would be a serve.



    This is what I wanted for her name or the title on the cover ever since she announced the album title. I kept thinking of the “surrender Dorothy” in the wizard of oz. but that might be almost too on the nose for Lana to actually do it.

  5. As much as I‘ve always thought rereleasing Born to Die with Paradise was kinda stupid, I feel like it was a missed opportunity to not rerelease Norman with Violet because I’m sure lots of people would’ve bought them as a combo and some probably would’ve enjoyed it better that way just like how lots of people prefer Born to Die: The Paradise Edition than either on their own.

  6. Unless the title is supposed to double as an inside joke, i doubt the album will be a country album since that really doesn’t fit the “country club” vibe unless it’s a more glitzy posh type country like Loretta Lynn or Dolly Parton. But based on the instrumentals on Violet and the instrumental of Patent Leather Do-Over, I really think we could be heading in a bit more of a surf noir sound direction (maybe it’s just wishful thinking)

  7. Why isn't the audiobook on Spotify and Itunes :facepalm:

    Since most non-charity audiobooks are typically on Spotify, I’d assume it’s because it’s connected to charity, so people have more incentive to purchase it if you can’t stream it for free. But then someone did mention audiobooks hit streaming services a few weeks after they’re released, but again, I doubt it’ll go to streaming since it’s connected to charity.

  8. I’m actually a little relieved nothing was announced or released today (sorry). We just got Violet last week and I also just got a surprise Taylor Swift album so I’m at full capacity and getting so overwhelmed with all this new stuff at once. I need like a short little breather before getting Chemtrails info so I can give it my undivided attention and fully enjoy it. I know I’m the only one in this position and I hope for everyone else’s sake she still announces something this week.

  9. Do you think the fact that instrumental was Quiet Waiter Blue Forever could be significant? I was looking at the titles and realized Quiet Waiter Blue Forever is a very similarly styled title to Tulsa Jesus Freak: White Hot Forever so I wonder if that could be a hint. Both start by signifying a person “Quiet Waiter” “Tulsa Jesus Freak” and the second parts have the obvious colour and forever parallel “Blue Forever” “White Hot Forever”. Idk what could be similar other than their titles but I just thought it was an interesting parallel.

  10. It always annoys me how much I love this because there’s nothing else like it. The closest I can think of are Joan Baez’s Baptism album or the song “Past, Present and Future“ by The Shangri-La’s, but even those don’t come anywhere close to this. Something about it reminds me of Sgt Pepper a bit but I can’t figure it out since they’re clearly not sonically or thematically similar so who knows with that one lol. I almost hope artists do copy Lana with this bc even though they wouldn’t be as good, there would be more of these lol. If anyone can think of anything they feel is similar in anyway (even if you can’t figure out why), let me know bc I’m so obsessed with Violet right now. Ugh I can’t wait til her other poetry album.

  11. why isn't the album on spotify yet?

    Probably because it’s going to charity, but idk. Some people have said audiobooks come out Spotify on Friday’s like a week or two after the initial release but idk bc I’ve never waited for one. Some people think it’ll go to streaming in October though when the physical copies are released. But they might wanna keep it exclusive since it’s connected to a charity though. I actually like that it’s exclusive to book apps atm though because it keeps the haters/trolls away unless they wanna pay for it.

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