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necessary sacrifice

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Posts posted by necessary sacrifice

  1. Am I the only one who interpreted “Norman’s little sister” as just meaning the next album, like they’re all her babies, so the next one would technically be Norman’s little sister, as well as technically all her albums’ little sister too. Idk, that’s how I interpreted it. I didn’t think it meant it was NFR 2.0. But all her albums do seem to carry a little bit of the essence of the previous one while also becoming something totally different and new, so I don’t exactly expect it to be the anti-NFR either.

  2. Idk but she hasn’t brought up the spoken word(s) again since like January I think when she said it was delayed. I hope chemtrails is actual music and I hope at least one spoken word is coming. I feel like if she’s been putting newer poetry to music with Jack from her second book that surely violet must be done since that was the first....?

    This is what I’m hoping. But then I keep feeling sceptical because that’s a lot of projects for her in a short amount of time if they really do all get released. But then part of me feels like maybe she just has a huge surge of inspiration and a lot of time on her hands right now, so it does make sense. I’m just too afraid to be optimistic lol.

  3. This is what I think too. Bc she never said two spoken word albums, and now she’s recorded new poems with music from the second book.

    I saw a theory on twitter that the only album we’re waiting on is the one spoken word album made of poems from both books and that Chemtrails is actually the name of the lead single and istg I hope that’s not true bc I interpreted it as a music album and at least one spoken word album (if not two). I hope there’s two spoken word albums, but if not, at least we’re getting two books.

  4. I can’t wait to find out what type of music this album will be. My first instinct was somewhat similar to the instrumentals in her last two poems, but who knows, maybe since she’s making them at the same time she’ll use completely different sounds. No matter what though I am very excited, I’m always happy with Lana’s albums. I’m digging the title too, it’s different and memorable. Personally I think it’s kinda tongue in cheek, but then again, Lana’s a bit of a wild card, so who knows? I’m very interested in hearing what the contents of the lyrics will be too, especially with everything happening the past few days.

  5. Idk if this is relevant, but when it comes to vinyl copies, I find Honeymoon is insanely quiet compared to most other albums. Disappointing too because it means it’s also her album with the most surface noise. I haven’t really noticed it with NFR yet. Also, Ultraviolence was always a strangely loud record, always have to turn my speakers down when putting it on. I’ll have to start paying closer attention to how loud NFR is compared to other albums so I have some useful feedback.


    Idk maybe also compare to other albums Jack has produced. Didn’t he get some flack for TS albums being mixed too loud or something? Maybe he actively tries to make albums quieter now, idk.

  6. I like that her books will be with Simon & Schuster, that’s Carly Simon’s family. It’s good to know the physical book is still coming and that a second one is coming too! Since she’s with a real publisher, the books will have to materialize eventually, so that’s also good news. I’m so glad I couldn’t sleep and checked my phone haha.

  7. The vulnerable echoey voice Lana sings HIADTFAWLMTH-BIHI in, combined with the faint piano creates this perfect “bottom of the well“ type atmosphere. And the lyrics are the obvious highlight, very blunt, yet very cryptic at the same time. Personally I love this song and I’ve always been a little surprised it’s not more popular. Maybe some people are too happy to connect to it lol.

  8. I swear Lana has to know about this thread and first posted the truck of oranges and then mentioned lemons to fuck with our heads. It’s what I’d wanna do if I were her. Maybe she doesn’t want us to be positive one way or the other lol. She’ll be asked to confirm and say something like “they’re strawberries” to confuse us more.

  9. I honestly thought they were peaches the first time she posted it lol. One of her poems has a line like “Georgia peaches, Georgia O’Keefe” or something and since Georgia O’Keefe is a painter I thought having a painting of peaches was a reference to that line of that poem. But I like oranges better anyway, they’re great for anxiety and prosperity. Lemons would’ve been nice too though, it could be a whole fruit salad lol.

  10. Personally I think some albums lately having song titles in lowercase is just a symptom of the streaming age. There’s lots of albums from even up to the 00s that have song titles or album titles in lowercase on the physical albums, but once they were added to these digital services, everything was properly capitalized. I’m thinking that albums created now, the way the songs are capitalized on the physical copy will be how they’re capitalized digitally because they’re doing it all at once. Whereas there’s lots of pre-streaming albums that have everything in lowercase on the physical copy and you wouldn’t know by looking online because I guess no one saw the lowercase as more than just album design. Imagine all the 00s albums that would have random uppercase letters in the middle of words if they copied the capitalization patterns from albums before now. I guess now artists have to be very specific with how they want songs capitalized. Makes me almost wonder if Lana didn’t know that and just wrote the song names that way thinking they’d clean it up lol. Just kidding about that last part, it was most likely intentional. But yeah it seems like the capitalization (or lack thereof) on albums only started carrying over to online probably within the past decade. Idk, I honestly don’t pay enough attention so I could be wrong.

  11. do u mean this sample https://youtu.be/NuDDhmO8c68?t=19

    or am i missing smth

    No it’s before the part that sounds vaguely like that Bleachers song. It’s from about 4:00 to 4:20, and it sounds like three increments of saying “cinnamon girl” three times in a distorted red room voice. But I’ve been through this on here already months ago and no one else heard it so I’ve accepted it’s probably something only I can hear. Maybe it is from the red room then haha.

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