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necessary sacrifice

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Posts posted by necessary sacrifice

  1. This is LDR8. AKA was literally released (once it’s out, you can’t go back) and Paradise was even nominated for best pop album (plus it’s longer than lots of “actual” albums lol) so both are albums. Albums go out of print sometimes. Albums get grouped with other albums sometimes. It’s been happening for like 60 something years and it’s messy and stupid but oh well. Debating whether albums get removed from the canon or if some shouldn’t count to begin with is a waste of time. It’s just easier to count everything and call this upcoming one LDR8. Whenever the poetry album comes out, I’m counting it as another proper album too. That’s just my two cents and it’s just an opinion, not a definitive answer.

  2. The UV era always kinda reminded me of Twilight. Lana’s whole look that era always made me think of Bella Swan, and the whole hazy washed out aesthetic of the photoshoots and videos always reminded me of the aesthetic the Twilight films had. Even the album’s themes itself itself kinda reminded me of Twilight. Sorry if this is controversial, I know Twilight is kinda polarizing.

  3. Even if Rick has no involvement in this album, I don’t think it’s the end for him. I feel like they work too well together to not work together again. I can imagine her going a couple albums without any of his involvement at most. I can also see them maybe doing one song per album together like Carly Simon and Jacob Brackman did after she started regularly writing with other people.

  4. Has Taylor Swift always posted poetry on her page? Or is this something new? Just wondering if she's copying Lana again.



    Why are you starting drama for no reason? Taylor has never “copied” Lana. Has she been inspired by Lana? Yeah and she embraces that, but if that’s copying then Lana copies lots of people. Plus this came out in Taylor’s Rep magazines from a few years ago. This isn’t new. She didn’t even repost it lately. She published that poem before Lana even posted her poems on Instagram and you brought it back up to accuse her of copying Lana? Get a life.

  5. I still don't believe that this song could be about G Eazy

    It’s not. He didn’t have an album come out during her writing for this album, so right away it takes him out of the equation. That specific detail always led me to believe it was about Barrie, but it could even be someone we don’t know about. People only think it’s about G-Eazy because she dissed him during it live once, but she does that with lots of people and songs that aren’t connected.

  6. She just brought up the album on her own at the Grammys, so she clearly didn’t scrap it. Plus she implied she was still working on it. You guys are so quick to say something’s canceled and get yourselves into a frenzy for no reason. She didn’t say “I will absolutely 100% drop this album in exactly a month to the second” so idk why people are acting so betrayed. She’s been keeping us surprisingly updated compared to NFR if you think about it. It was only announced in December.

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