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necessary sacrifice

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Posts posted by necessary sacrifice

  1. In the early stages of working on NFR, she said her next album would be more in the vein of Change. All of NFR doesn’t sound like Change, but overall it does sonically have that vibe. So if Lana says the next album will be more in the vein of Hope, I don’t think it’ll be an entire album of songs that sound just like Hope, but overall it could be the general sound to it. I can still imagine dark surfy instrumentals fitting into a Hope-like atmosphere. Her albums always have a little variety of sounds, no matter how cohesive they are, so I wouldn’t be worried about just stark piano ballads.

  2. I was just listening to Jenny Lewis’ song Hollywood Lawn and I just realized there’s a line about lookin up at chemtrails and I was like !!!!!! and the funny thing is the song always kinda gave me strong Lana vibes. I’d love if this album had kinda a similar a similar soundscape and/or mood to Jenny Lewis’ On the Line album from last year. I know Lana and Jack could easily pull something like that off but better.

  3. I was just thinking (again), the poem we’ve heard from Violet has a soft Norman-like instrumental, so maybe if NFR and VBBOTG have a similar sound, maybe COTCC will have the kinda surf noir sound patent leather do-over had. As if each poetry album is like a closing chapter after the albums. Or for all we know, just that one poem (it was “happy” right? I can’t remember lol) has that sound, and it’ll be a gradual transition from NFR to VBBOTG to COTCC to BTIG–IFAI, starting from like a peaceful sound and getting darker and darker. That’d be cool. I’m just so curious since we have so much to look forward to and we have no clue whatsoever of what this album could contain and minimal ideas about the poetry albums to go off of.

  4. Spotify actually tags most of the albums which are audiobooks (on the actual app)! It's just above the title. For example:



    Just search 'Audio books' and more will pop up (although technically they appear under 'Albums').

    Idk where they appear but all the audiobooks I’ve listened to on Spotify were in podcast format, so that’s what I was talking about. If they’re listed with regular albums though, then my point was irrelevant.

  5. I’m so excited for this, I can’t even put it into words. I’m excited for cotcc too, but this is such a different type of project that it’s just so much more to anticipate. I can’t wait to listen to Lana reciting her poetry, it’ll be the most serene thing. And with the pre-orders up and knowing the digital will be out in a few weeks, and knowing there’s books and a variety of vinyls, it’s really a dream. I’ve really been feeling like I needed something to look forward to lately, something definite, and this is truly it. I can’t contain my excitement for this project.

  6. The US shop still redirects to the Canadian shop on its own, BUT now today if you switch to the US shop from the UK shop it no longer redirects to the Canadian one.


    So I was finally able to even see the US shop lol, and I pre-ordered the picture disc. I might get a coloured variant if they come back, but I usually just get a standard and an extra. I generally don’t care for picture discs, mostly bc of the packaging, but since I plan to get a standard too and it’s the most different looking of the extra vinyls, I felt it was a good choice. I’ll probably wait to buy the standard in store on Oct 2nd if stores are open at that point, so I didn’t order it yet. But if the coloured vinyls come back I might just get one of those instead of the standard or even just as well as it bc this album is so special. But then I can’t waste too much of my money yet, with her upcoming schedule. Tbh I’m so excited that I’m almost overwhelmed that there’s another album to wait for lol.

  7. Anyone know anywhere in Canada that has the vinyl up for preorder already? The Canadian shop still has only NFR stuff and the US shop redirects there and the UK shop always cancels on me right away. Maybe after she announces them.... anyway I’m thrilled that there is a picture disc and coloured vinyls and all that. I just hope they don’t forget about the Canadian shop.

  8. The preorders often don’t come up at the same time on all the sites and they get there in a matter of days. The hardcover is up for preorder on Apple Books, but not that audio book yet. And yet, it’s available on Audible Canada.

    Yeah I kinda figured everything wouldn’t be up til at least Lana made the announcement later today, and even then sometimes sites take time to put things up. I’m just impatient.

  9. I just preordered my hardcover copy on indigo and they have the same website as Chapters. Keep looking. It wasn’t available as of yesterday night.

    Edit: https://www.chapters.indigo.ca/fr-ca/livres/null/9781982167288-article.html?ref=item_page%3Avariation

    Ok this showed up, but then when I changed the site into English, it couldn’t be found again..... this doesn’t make sense. But at least I can still preorder it and use my points from the French version of the site, so it doesn’t matter.

  10. Probably. In Canada, the “equivalent” of Barnes and Noble has it for preorder (Chapters/Indigo).

    I’ve been looking on chapters for it and I can only find the kobo version. Every time I click hardcover from that page, it says the page can’t be opened and it doesn’t show up in searches. I hope they release the hardcover right away so I don’t have to order from amazon (they never get physical copies of Tom Cox’s books til the paperback comes out so I’m worried they’ll do that with Lana too)

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