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necessary sacrifice

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Posts posted by necessary sacrifice

  1. Been listening to Lust for Life a lot this week. I’ve always thought the album deserved more appreciation, but it was still the only album that didn’t become my new favourite Lana album when it came out. Sometimes I wonder if I wouldn’t have appreciated it either if it didn’t have the witchy aesthetics, the Shangri-La’s vibes, and the Stevie collab (those just happened to be things I lovelovelove). But I do consistently seem to like the album more and more over time. More and more over time I’ve been finding the album is a lot more thematically cohesive than it seems at face value. And idk it’s the album that most feels like an opera almost by the way the songs line up. Like I can almost visualize the curtains opening and closing with the discs as acts. Anyway, it’s kinda funny how I’ve been listening to this so much lately. It’s nowhere near as good as NFR but it’s a lot better than even I give it credit for most of the time. In general, 2017 was just an awkward sounding year for music, so I think with that in mind, Lust for Life was pretty darn good. Also, I still soar towards the heavens whenever Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems starts. I don’t think I’ll ever get over that song. I do hope we start seeing people come around to this album more over the years because it is a beautiful album with lots of layers we still haven’t made our way through yet. Sorry if I had nothing new to add, I’ve just been vibing with this album and had a bunch of nothing to say about it lol.


    For Joan’s birthday, I think it is important to spread peace just like her. Especially right now. Wars just needlessly destroy lives.

    Here’s a powerful anti-war anthem written by Bob Dylan, but always especially moving when performed by Joan Baez. I would encourage anyone to take a few minutes to listen.

  3. i wish pmiam didnt exist. its creepy and v pedo and the album would be perfect without it.

    Tbh this is how I used to feel too. But now when I listen to it, I hear the vulnerability and desperation growing in her voice throughout the song and I get it. I don’t think the song is romanticizing the situation. I interpret it as someone allowing predatory behaviour to happen to them because this is the hand they were dealt and they have no other options. When you’re desperate and have nothing, you sometimes let yourself get into situations you wouldn’t otherwise condone, and that’s kinda the feeling I get from this song. A big theme throughout the album seems to be that kind of hopelessness and the strange freedom that comes with it.

  4. It's so interesting to think about demos circulating before the internet lol. This would have been Lana's fate if she were active in the 70s

    Tbh when Stevie talks about the stolen demo tapes (those would be where the coffee plant demos came from), it reminds me of Lana’s email being hacked and all the songs leaking. At least lots of Stevie’s 80s demos are floating around because she’s a little too generous giving out songs if people simply enjoy them. But it’s weird to think there’s so many Stevie Nicks demo vinyls out there that someone must’ve somehow pressed back then. It seems like so much more work. Although apparently the 3 in the 80s were sold in the back of rock magazines so that would’ve at least been convenient when looking for unreleased music. I’ve heard Abba had lots of unofficial vinyls of demos and live songs circulating back in the day too. But yeah it’s so weird thinking about songs leaking and spreading before the internet.

  5. To go with my recent pre-code films obsession, I just started reading Complicated Women: Sex and Power in Pre-Code Hollywood by Mick LaSalle. I watched the documentary last month and didn’t even realize it was a book first.

  6. i don't even think there's a record label behind this at this point especially if she just came up with the idea to release this as an album in late december so we don't even know if she has funding for this or if she has to organise this herself.

    I’m getting the vibe she probably didn’t realize she needed her label’s input. She probably decided it and recorded it herself then assumed she could just upload it the day of. But whenever artists try releasing stuff on their own without consulting their label, it always backfires and the labels usually demand input. She doesn’t care much about making money but they do and her contract probably requires for her to release everything through them so they can profit. I honestly think she just realized AKA’s anniversary was coming up and decided the poetry album last minute without thinking it through.

  7. this makes me think it’s being mastered. like the audio files themself are actually being cleaned up and taking longer to clean up. if it was just her reading her poems and shit, it could easily be recorded one day and released the next so give that she’s taking an extra MONTH.


    Tbh this is what I’m hoping. This is my beacon of hope. I mean, NFR was supposed to be a low key release but ended up having a hundred different vinyls and cassettes and an ice cream truck n shit. Especially with NFR’s acclaim, I could see her label wanting to make this spoken word album as profitable as possible. Maybe some extra mixing to clean it up. Maybe physical copies. Maybe they’ll get her to do a high budget video lol. For all we know, her label could be trying to get her to add a couple songs between poems to release as singles. Also I bet it’ll be released on a Friday like regular releases. But yeah I could see her label listening to files of her speaking over white noise and being like “lol no way” and wanting it a little more produced.

  8. Tbh I didn’t even know there was a Stevie Nicks thread til now (I only knew about the Fleetwood Mac one). Just the other day I received an unofficial FM fan club vinyl full of mostly just Stevie’s demos (including lots of the coffee plant demos and a nice 14min demo of Storms). The vinyl is called Almanac and started circulating in 1978 (I wonder how Stevie’s fans reacted to the much shorter version of Storms the following year if they had this). Anyway, after I received it, I took pics of my updated Stevie collection and I think I’ll post them here bc why not, I’m weirdly proud lol.





    I’m still hoping to eventually acquire the three different “Uncirculated Rumours” vinyls full of Stevie demos that circulated in 1980s. All three are on eBay right now (and the second rarely is) but it’s not my time to have them yet.

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