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necessary sacrifice

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Posts posted by necessary sacrifice

  1. Wouldn’t it be cool if Lana made this album like a pair with the poetry book? She could alternate on the album between actual songs and tracks of her reciting poetry over instrumentation. Idk I was just thinking about how cool a concept that would be. Kinda like Burnt Norton on HM but her own poetry and maybe over like pianos or acoustic guitar and have at least one on every side or even one between every song. Kinda similar to Joan Baez’s Baptism, but like self-written of course. I know that’s likely not what this album will be, but we do know nothing, so anything is possible.

    Thanks Lana :)

  2. i asked this in the other thread but it got ignored and probably belongs more here anyways so


    i’ve never heard a spoken word album before, will there be any instruments?? in my mind i’m picturing a whole album of Burnt Nortons, or is she literally just going to be speaking and that’s it

    I kind of assumed it would be like Burnt Norton, maybe more raw sounding instrumentals though. Also another good example would be the Joan Baez album “Baptism” which is her reading poetry over soft orchestration. That’s what I’m hoping for at least.

  3. So would the spoken word poetry album technically be WHF or do you guys think they’re separate endeavours? Anyway, a poetry album is totally one of the concepts I was interested in seeing and I’m excited for it. I wonder if she’s releasing physical copies. She made it unclear whether it would be digital only or just a limited time release. If this is technically in the wrong thread, sorry.

  4. Some of your comments made me go check if the video was out and no one had told meç


    speaking of which, anyone knows in how many hours it'll be out?

    I assume at least more than 24 hours still. She doesn’t often drop videos at midnight, so I’d assume tomorrow afternoon. She’ll probably post it around noon her time tomorrow, maybe even later. Idek if she’ll acknowledge it being out, so you might have to keep checking.

  5. This is such a beautiful album. Lana at her kookiest and most raw. It’s a shame so many fans don’t count this one just because it’s out of print. In many ways, I also find it the album most sonically similar to NFR. And it probably has some of my favourite lyrics of hers. I hope she is able to rerelease it someday, but if not, at least we all still know about it and can enjoy it. I’m also very grateful that it was unofficially pressed to vinyl so I can still enjoy it that way.

  6. When this album came out, it felt like the universe was finally confirming to me that Lana really was our generation’s equivalent of Joni Mitchell. I always felt like they were on similar wavelengths during the same points of their careers but when Honeymoon came out, it was the most obvious. In many ways, Honeymoon thematically felt like the long lost sister of For the Roses. I especially felt this way when I first heard Lana recite Burnt Norton, which seems to tie the whole album together and also had always seemed so connected to Joni’s For the Roses. Sometimes it’s hard for me to listen to these albums without listening to the other because they just go together so well. I’d definitely recommend listening to For the Roses to anyone who loves Honeymoon.

  7. Softer melodically? Absolutely.

    Tamer? I don't think so.

    I meant lyrically and thematically tamer, not that it’s slower. It’s probably the tamest Lana album actually. Even when it came out, people were saying the critics liked it only because she toned down her lyrics and themes so much. It’s not a criticism, part of its charm is how tame it is. Like NFR May be way tamer than UV or AKA, but it’s definitely not nearly as tame as HM.

  8. It’s definitely not a Christmas or winter song. It’s about Southern California! I don’t think they’re ‘jingle bells,’ I think it’s a tambourine. What do the song credits state? Certainly not jingle bells.

    The credits don’t mention tambourines or jingle bells. I assume they’re included in percussion, so it’s not very specific. If they’re tambourines, they’re probably layered, but you’re right that it could be either. That’s why I keep mentioning Fleetwood Mac too because they kinda remind me of Stevie’s tambourine.

  9. I think the jingle bells are intentionally Christmas-y. The song sounds to me like a note from Lana in California to someone in NY during winter. She isn’t experiencing snow and winter but the person reading the note is.

    There’s no subtext in the song that implies Christmas or even winter though. How to Disappear isn’t River. They sound more like a homage to The Beach Boys or The Byrds, or even Fleetwood Mac. They just sound nostalgic like the rest of the song. If anything, they just seem to emphasize the lyrics, especially when they come in, like she’s stressing to us how much he really means to her. I feel like the current “jingle bells = Christmas” mindset is limiting people from seeing the song as anything except a Christmas song even though there’s nothing to suggest the song even relates to winter or any holidays.

  10. It literally has jingle bells

    That’s what I don’t get. Are jingle bells just associated with Christmas because there’s a song called Jingle Bells? Jingle bells are used in many genres of music and have been for over a century. And then Christmas music doesn’t even use jingle bells that often, especially in recent years. Jingle bells seem more folk rock or wall of sound than Christmas. Most Christmas music that uses jingle bells are from musicians that already often use jingle bells, so I don’t exactly get the connection.

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