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necessary sacrifice

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Posts posted by necessary sacrifice

  1. For any Joni fans, her poetry has finally been reissued for the general public as of today! It’s called Morning Glory on the Vine. The book is full of old poems and songs and drawings. Originally she made a limited amount of copies for friends and family for Christmas 1971. For years, it’s been known as “the Christmas book” and has been very rare and sought after. If you’ve been looking for it or if this is the first you’re hearing of it, I recommend picking up a copy. Even any poetry lovers who aren’t familiar with Joni would probably love it.


  2. What is one unreleased song that has kind of the vibe or sound you guys are hoping we get a bit of on this album? All her albums have different varieties of songs, no matter how consistent the overall sound is, so I don’t think anything is necessarily off the table. So if you could have at least one song on this album in the style of any unreleased song, which would it be? (Or even a mix of two unreleased songs if not one fits what you want)

  3. This is already the most hyped I've been for a Lana album and we basically have nothing yet. After NFR brilliance, my expectations are through the roof which is probably not a good thing.

    Same! But with every album, I get more excited. And I always think there’s no way I could get more excited for the next one, but somehow it happens. I feel like with every album, she goes more and more in the direction I’m currently vibing with. I can’t wait til we get to hear WHF.

  4. Does anyone here have the UO vinyl as well as the standard black vinyl? Has anyone noticed the difference in sound? The intro of the title track, as well as the talking at the end of HIADTFAWLMTH–BIHI seem to be louder on the UO vinyl and quieter (especially the talking at the end) on the standard black. Overall the UO feels a bit slick and tinny (UO Honeymoon was like that too) compared to the standard black. Am I imagining this or has anyone else noticed this? I’m starting to think maybe the UO vinyls have the audio compressed a bit more. They both sound fine, just slightly different. Maybe it’s because of the coloured vinyl? Are the blue and green like that too?


    Anyway, maybe that’ll help people decide which vinyl is best for them. If you’re someone who finds the production sounds “unbalanced” or “unfinished”, the more compressed UO vinyl might be for you. Whereas if you already find the production “flat” or “tinny”, the more organic sounding standard vinyl will be for you. It’s like there’s a version for everyone.

  5. The song title “Let Me Love You Like a Woman” right away made me think of Carole King’s “You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman” so man I sure hope it’s a sensual piano ballad like that. More and more I feel like we’re getting more of a picture of what this album will be. I’m getting NFR meets HM vibes mostly. I hope there’s lots of soft sensual ballads on this album. Some dramatic but vulnerable pianos mixed some sexy bluesy open-tuned guitars maybe.

  6. Oh ffs now she's one of those LOVE the Life you live, live the Lyf you Luv basic b*tches

    Or maybe one of her soccer mum friends have that to her and she doesn't wanna be rude and throw it away

    Tbh I find the sign cute. It reminds me of Chicago because the closing number “Nowadays” uses that phrase in it, so my mind goes right to that. Ugh imagine Lana singing Nowadays...

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