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necessary sacrifice

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Posts posted by necessary sacrifice

  1. Did we ever discuss the talking that was put at the end of Hope is a dangerous thing album version?

    Like...what is the point of it being there?

    Does it add anything to the message of the song?

    I find it random.

    I always assumed it was part of the original take and most likely Jack and Lana thought it was a nice closing thought for the album.

    Side note but has anyone noticed Jack talking is a lot louder on the UO vinyl? I always have to turn it up high on the standard vinyl if I wanna hear it and I never have to turn it up at all on the UO one. I usually don’t even listen to it on the standard, too much effort.

  2. I would love to see Lana's home. Not in a creepy stalker way. I just think she has impeccable taste in home decor sans those live laugh signs lol. Like I would love to see her book and record collections, fine china (haha), art, etc. I've always really loved interior design, and she seems more comfortable with sharing this kind of stuff again.

    Seriously though, I’d give anything to get to see what books and records she has. I bet she has such an interesting collection. She should post a picture of her bookshelf so we can zoom in and try to figure out what books she has but naturally get most of them wrong lol.

  3. After each album Lana releases, I listen to it nonstop for a couple weeks, then get really into going through her whole discography for a bit before taking a break and listening to like fleetwood mac n shit for a while. Then I go back to Lana’s albums, especially the new one. After this break, I still think NFR is one of her best, if not the best. I often change my mind which is her favourite, so I hate calling one the best. I like alternating between which Lana album I listen to with NFR as a pair and lately I’ve been finding Honeymoon and Paradise are great companions to it at the moment. When NFR first came out, I was probably listening to it beside AKA and UV the most, so it does always change which albums I feel go nicely together. I also have been trying some days to not take out either of my NFR vinyls and just listen to the album shuffled on Spotify with my good headphones while I do tasks around the house so I get a good feel of the songs individually Every once in awhile I do this with each of her albums to mix things up. Right now I’ve been finding myself listening to Mariners Apartment Complex, How to Disappear, and The Greatest the most. VB is probably still my all time favourite song on the album though (maybe my favourite Lana song of all). In all, I’m still so happy with this album (but I’ve never been unhappy with a Lana album, so take what I say with a grain of salt). Also when listening to the title track, the way the song (and album) opens up majestically before settling into the song itself reminds me a lot of Born to Die (such a classic intro too) and I think they’re the only two opening songs that begin that way and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Sorry if this post has no direction. I just wanted to share my feelings on it at this specific point in time.

  4. Tbh I’m still skeptical about this cop boyfriend but I don’t know what their relationship is like or what they see in each other or how they influence each other, so I try to stay out of that part.

    But I do think going to a highschool football game is cute, no matter who her boyfriend is. Like it’s one of the most average American lifestyle type things to do so it’s such a Lana thing to do. Maybe she won’t have kids of her own so at least she gets to live part of the “mom” experience. I doubt it will last (who knows though) but it’s cute she gets to play step-mom for awhile. It’s like an instant family for her to go do cheesy all-American activities with. Plus we know mom activities, though “dorky”, are generally healthy. As long as he’s not pushing his politics on her, this relationship could do her good and be a nice break from the artsy bad boy types. It just looks cute and fun for her to get to play laid back step mom for a bit. If anything it can be a test for her to see if she even wants an average life someday.

  5. I don’t think the delay has anything to do with how the literary community will critique it. Leonard Cohen has tons of poetry books and they've always gotten praise, no matter how simple and silly lots of the poems inside are. Even the poems of Joni Mitchell’s that have been floating around are pretty goofy and juvenile compared to her lyrics. Lana has proved herself as a writer and poet already through her music like both of them had, but strangely her actual poems are mostly more substantial and, well, poetic than lots of theirs were. I’m sure her goal to self-publish the book is all that’s causing a delay. Who knows if she’ll stubbornly keep trying to self-publish it or if she’ll eventually make a deal with a publishing company. Maybe with all the praise NFR is getting, especially for the lyrics, publishers might be lining up to put her book out. Possibly she’s waiting now for the right deal to come to her. Or she could even be waiting til after her album tour so she can tour bookstores to do some intimate readings and signings (even if she’s not interested, her label will want something like that)

  6. Since Lana first said WHF would be in the same vein as NFR and now she specified that she wants to move away from the specific sound of NFR and do more of a band sound, I think she probably did just mean that it would be raw and analogous like NFR was but not the same overall. So I’m getting kind of soft rock or folk rock type vibes now. Seeing as NFR was immersed in the laurel canyon singer-songwriter type sounds, folk rock or soft rock is a natural evolution from there. More and more, it is looking like WHF will be the more guitar-based version of NFR, maybe even more stripped back in terms of production, but probably also more of a pulse too. WHF I imagine will be closer to the “happy UV” sound everyone expected NFR to be. I hope she does end up going in more of a band direction for this album. Maybe she should bring her touring band into the studio or get that side band she had in 2016 back together, either would be a great backdrop for the album if she wants a band.

  7. I think she just went all out for the Hollywood Bowl because that’s more of a special venue to play, so she had to make it special. Even though she’s played there before, playing the Bowl is extremely prestigious, so it makes sense that she’d put extra thought into it. Plus, she has more access to musicians friends in LA because that’s the hotspot for famous musicians. Not to mention, people are more likely to take you up on the offer to perform with you at a special venue like the Hollywood Bowl. I just think she wanted to make a very special show for such a special venue.


    I do hope though that after the positive feedback for this show that she does choose to switch up the setlist more often and bring more guests on stage to keep it fun and spontaneous.


    Also I think she should do the water at the front for more shows. It’s something different and she seemed to have fun with it. It would probably cause less fighting between fans for the front spot of it meant their phones and albums could get water damage.

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