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necessary sacrifice

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Posts posted by necessary sacrifice

  1. I think you would understand a lot more references if you watched them in order but they're perfectly fine to watch in any order I guess, except for Apocalypse. People generally agree that Asylum was the best one and Hotel is like the least favorite. Stevie Nicks appearances in the series were so minimal honestly, but if you're only interested because of her maybe start with the Coven and see if you like it.

    I have wanted to watch the show for awhile, not just because of Stevie Nicks. That’s just another thing pushing me to watch. I originally wanted to check it out when season 3 started because I love shows with witches, but I didn’t get around to it. I wanted to even more when I heard Stevie appeared in that season. I’ve debated starting with that one then going back to the beginning and watching them all in order. I’ll probably just start from the beginning because it makes most sense. I already have the first 5 seasons on my laptop, ready for me. Who knows if I’ll even get around to watching it this time either though lol.

  2. I hear Stevie Nicks is making another appearance on the show soon. Idk if it’s confirmed, I just saw it all over twitter. Each time, I tell myself it’s time to finally start watching AHS but I never get around to it. Would it be weird if I watched all the seasons out of order so I could hit all the ones with Stevie first or should I just watch them all in order? Which seasons are the best ones?

  3. YOU totally missed my point. What I was trying to say is that the way Lana describes her album and what they actually end up sounding like are two completely different things.

    Then why do you keep quoting me? I wasn’t even talking about that. And why do you keep defending yourself over Born to Die and Paradise “not being in the same realm” if you’re trying to make a completely different point? I said just because WHF is in the same realm as NFR, it won’t necessarily sound the same, then YOU quoted me. If you don’t think WHF will sound like NFR, then idk what you’re trying to argue since that has been my point since the beginning. Try to figure out wtf you’re trying to argue before replying next time.

  4. I found Paradise to be completely different than Born To Die and not remotely in the "same realm".

    The point isn’t whether YOU feel they’re in the same realm though. The point is that LANA feels they were in the same realm. As I keep mentioning (and you keep conveniently ignoring), she also considers Honeymoon in the same realm as them. I don’t find Born to Die, Paradise, or Honeymoon to sound the same as each other, but our personal opinions aren’t relevant. She didn’t say WHF will be in the same realm as NFR “according to some random fans online!”, she means they’re in the same realm in her own personal opinion. If you see Born to Die and Paradise as completely different, you’ll probably see NFR and WHF that way too. If you already decided to be disappointed by the album though, there’s nothing anyone, including Lana, can do to help that. Sorry.

  5. Didn't Lana say that doing things again, she would definitely make Paradise its own thing, like not some sort of EP off Born To Die though? No wonder it sounds different, it was meant to sound different and not be in the "same realm".

    In an interview in 2013, she was surprised that people found Paradise different and a growth from Born to Die. We all know it was supposed to be it’s own album, no one’s arguing that. It doesn’t change the fact that even she felt it had pretty much the same sound. She called it more tropical and happier than Born to Die but that’s it. And you’re still ignoring that she said Honeymoon was in the same realm as Born to Die and Paradise and it also doesn’t sound like either of them. All you’ve done is confirm that she can have projects that are in the same realm that are also different from each other. You just confirmed we have nothing to worry about.

  6. Am I the only one super excited for this video? I know it’s not high budget, but tbh I don’t care about that shit. I actually like the casual laid back look of it. The three songs chosen are probably the three most Laurel Canyon sounding songs and the visuals match the relaxed Laurel Canyon aesthetic. I’m especially excited for the Bartender part since it’s all witchy and we’ve seen the least footage from that one. And getting pieces of footage from the MAC and VB videos and the album trailer just filled me with anticipation for this video. As much as I like the FIILY/TG and DT videos, this is the one that will probably be my favourite. I wonder if she’s gonna tease it a few days before releasing it or if she’ll just spontaneously post it one day.

  7. Nobody said it'd be exactly the same. However, "staying in the same realm" is a red flag for me because all of her albums so far have very different sounds, and I personally think that's part of her appeal as an artist. Making multiple albums with the same/similar sound - especially consecutive ones - is risky, imo.


    People may like NFR well enough, but that doesn't mean they won't get bored if they feel she's doing the same thing over and over. I can think of quite a few artists who did that album after album and faded into obscurity as a result, because they failed to do anything new.


    Anyway, it will largely depend on how similar it ends up being ... I don't believe anything she says as far as descriptions go, so I'm not too concerned.




    Red Hot Chili Peppers vibes on NFR

    Born to Die and Paradise were in the same realm and didn’t sound the same. She also considered Honeymoon in the same realm as those two, probably due to the strings and beats combo, and it also didn’t sound the same as those... like at all. You guys are getting yourselves all worried for nothing. By same realm, she probably just means the stripped back and analogue feel. Maybe she means a different aspect of it. Who knows. But staying in the same realm never meant making too similar sounding of an album for Lana. There are so many directions she could go in within the NFR sound realm, I wouldn’t be worried Lana’s just gonna rehash the same album.

  8. For the moment everything takes a back seat to this. Joan Baez? WOW JUST WOW. I feel lucky to have seen Adam and Sean but this is quite amazing. Thank you Joan for agreeing to this.

    I’m in total awe this even happened. I wonder what other surprises she has for us. It’d be cool if she got like David Crosby or Brian Wilson for a performance. I hope more of her inspirations agree to perform with her, not just on this tour, but throughout the rest of her career too. It must be a magical feeling to sing with someone you grew up listening to.

  9. None of Lana’s albums sound the same, not even Born to Die and Paradise. Even if White Hot Forever is in an acoustic direction like Norman fucking Rockwell, I doubt it will sound the same. Maybe it will be more stripped back than majority of NFR. Maybe it’ll just be acoustic guitar and vocals like Looking for America. Maybe it will be acoustic at the heart of it like NFR but have completely different effects and mixing style. I mean, all Bob Dylan’s albums don’t sound the same but he often sticks to similar styles of his previous albums. And we know Lana likes experimenting with different instruments included on her albums, so acoustic isn’t always simply guitar or piano. She and Jack did mention doing a song with a sitar on it, but sitars don’t appear in the credits of NFR. (Are we getting George Harrison type songs???) There are so many possibilities. Plus she could go in a completely different direction lyrically, which would make the album automatically different than NFR. I’m still rooting for a mellow guitar summer road trip type of album. I have high hopes for White Hot Forever. I trust that the album will have its own flavour and be fairly enjoyable.

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