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necessary sacrifice

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Posts posted by necessary sacrifice

  1. We realise, but how is she "obviously" trying to quit? I don't think that that's obvious at all.


    As I said, I think she thinks it's cool and edgy. She wouldn't be clutching her vape in photo shoots and whilst accepting awards if she didn't think so. Even a chain smoker can put down a cigarette to have a photo taken or make a 15 second long acceptance speech.


    Lots of people switch to vaping and never stop because they think it's healthy enough to do forever.

    Seeing as first she would vape and smoke, whereas now we only see her vaping, I think that in itself makes it very clear she’s using it to quit. My husband did the same, and he’s been vaping longer than Lana, but it doesn’t mean he’s suddenly not doing it to quit. And her taking pictures vaping means nothing. She took pictures smoking too. For all we know, she’s making a point of vaping in pictures to break the overused connection between her and cigarettes now that she’s quitting. She doesn’t wanna be your cigarette queen anymore. Then when she stops vaping, you guys will suddenly miss the vaping and complain about her chewing gum all the time or drinking coffee or something constantly. It’s clear to most of the world that she’s trying to get healthy and better herself, it just takes time. You rushing her to quit won’t make her suddenly be better instantly. If anything, people rushing her to give up the vape could make her go back to cigarettes and never quit. That’s what happened with my mum and pretty much every other smoker I know. Just put yourself in her shoes for a moment and realize she’s doing the best she can and it’s hard for anyone who’s under constant scrutiny. Also, most of the time her voice sounds fine and sexy and I don’t think she’s literally killing it. Just listen to her raw vocals on this album, aka the first album where she’s a vaper, not a smoker. Her voice is fine. She had one bad night. It happens to the best of us.

  2. Lately I’ve been going to the library every week because it forces me to read more like I used to. Right now I’m reading a book called “The Golden Girls of MGM” by Jane Ellen Wayne. It’s all about the classic starlets from the 30s and 40s. I always love stories of classic hollywood because everything was crazy af all the time, especially during pre-code. So far, this book has made me feel such a kindred connection to Norma Shearer, whom I knew almost nothing about beforehand. I definitely recommend this book for anyone really. I’ve only had it for a day and I can’t put it down.

  3. Wouldn’t it be cool if Lana made this album like a pair with the poetry book? She could alternate on the album between actual songs and tracks of her reciting poetry over instrumentation. Idk I was just thinking about how cool a concept that would be. Kinda like Burnt Norton on HM but her own poetry and maybe over like pianos or acoustic guitar and have at least one on every side or even one between every song. Kinda similar to Joan Baez’s Baptism, but like self-written of course. I know that’s likely not what this album will be, but we do know nothing, so anything is possible.


    I’ve just watched this four times in a row. Three lovely women in lovely outfits with absolutely lovely voices all doing their own thing, no one trying to take focus away from the others.... it doesn’t get much better than this. It’s just so breathtaking. Lana could probably fit right in there.

  5. Idk why, but I feel like Lana’s going to transition from her So-Cal/neon/“woke”/“LA lifestyle” obsession to a South- or Midwestern aesthetic and it’s gonna influence this album. Just a feeling tho.

    From the cool New York aesthetic to the laid back Cali aesthetic then if next she does go onto a kinda country ranch aesthetic.... literally Carole King’s path.... actually Joan Baez too... that could really work.

    Even if she added country vibes, I don’t think it would be just pure country though, like how NFR isn’t quite folk. I kinda hope she does end up adding some more country vibes on WHF/LDR8. (Sorta just subtly like on How to Disappear or California seems likely but probably not full on Hank Williams)

  6. I knew Lana was gonna get AOTY nom this round. It was one of the most critically acclaimed albums this year, so the nomination was pretty much guaranteed. Will she win? Who knows, but I think she will.

    Kacey won last year and all I saw all over social media was how she had no chance and how Drake was gonna win, maybe Janelle, but definitely not Kacey. Everyone said Kacey’s album wasn’t mainstream enough. But it was very critically acclaimed. Lana’s album is similar in that sense. Yeah, Ariana might win, but I already think Lana will win.

    I still hope she doesn’t show up. The Grammys snubbed her for too long and she shouldn’t go to prove a point. But she will go and she’ll probably have a darling vintage gown again and I’ll forget I wanted her to skip it.

  7. I always hope for Lana to get nominated for a Grammy just for the principle of it, but for the most part, the Grammys suck. This year it does seem like she’ll be nominated and may even win, based on her critical acclaim this time around. BUT since she almost has the win in the bag (it’s the most critically acclaimed album this year), I really don’t want her to attend. They snubbed her all these years because they didn’t take her seriously, so she should snub them right back like “oh I won? Who cares.” Even better, I’d love for her to skip the Grammys then post videos on insta of her having fun with her friends instead. The Grammys don’t deserve her, so if she finally gets her big win, I want her to show them she’s never needed their bullshit awards.

  8. I’m so excited for this. My brother gave me access to his amazon prime like days before I first heard this news so it’s like fate. I really like Kacey and her xmas album is one of our top 3 xmas albums spinning throughout this season. Even without Lana, I’d be psyched for this, but with Lana, I’m just head over heels. I’m so excited. I’m also excited that Zooey Deschanel is appearing too. This is like the perfect combination for me. The only thing that would make it better is if Brian Wilson has been on it too. I hope she releases a soundtrack to it. I bet it’d become our most played xmas album just because of Lana’s involvement. I trust it’ll be kitschy and fun like old Christmas variety show specials too, so I really hope it’s as good as it looks like it’ll be. Even if it’s not that great, at least I’ll get to see Lana and Kacey singing together. I need something heartwarming like that.

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