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necessary sacrifice

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Posts posted by necessary sacrifice

  1. nskjnjd if she actually plays her boring ass stale tired setlist at coachella idc if she gets bad reviews. maybe it'll be a wake up call.

    But then in 2017 when FJM got bad reviews for his coachella performance (apparently it was just overlong guitar solos and political rants), Lana was still championing his performance and thought the critics were wrong. She even comments on the critics being mean in her song. If she had a circle of white girls on stage singing kumbaya or something and got bad reviews, she’d probably just say they were being mean and keep doing what she’s doing.

  2. What a disappointment. Mostly just annoyed she waited till today to tell us it’s delayed. My guesses are either 1) part of the poetry album was stolen and she was hoping she’d get it back in time, 2) she’s afraid it could hurt her Grammy campaign and needs to wait til after, 3) she never worked the plans out properly with her label so they want to find a way to make it more marketable first. Hopefully the delay means physical copies and not that this is scrapped. I do think she should have told us before today though. Maybe it’s passive aggressive after hers and Chuck’s stuff were stolen (someone did predict she might hold this album hostage because of it). Hopefully it’s just waiting til after the Grammys or til physical copies are ready. But maybe I’m being optimistic with those options.

  3. Since the date she gave us is also the anniversary of her first album, I believe she does intend on releasing it. Albums (or books) don’t generally get released on Saturdays and it’s clear she chose that date for the reason above. If she said any other date, I might still be skeptical. I feel like she just wanted to put something out that day and maybe she didn’t even care much what she would put out, it just had to be something. Idk it just seems like a very specific plan.

  4. We’re less than a week now!!! I’m so pumped for this. The fact that we know almost nothing about it other than it’s spoken word poetry makes it even more exciting. I’m just really looking forward to experience this. I love poetry, I love Lana’s speaking voice, and I love surprises. I hope she doesn’t tease it on Instagram first since we truly know nothing and I wanna keep it that way. I also hope she releases physical copies, even if they’re just for a limited time or for record store day or something. I can’t wait to find out what type of background music it has or whatever. I wonder if she’ll read poems she’s already posted or completely new ones. There’s just so much to find out. Sorry that this isn’t going anywhere.

  5. Okay FINE here is a pic of them in order:




    I will also add it to the original post

    You should add that Arthur dude, the one with the hard-on for America and diet mountain dew. Idk if anyone would pick him but he’s another notable one I remembered. And I guess Rob, the one that died, would be another notable one that people might actually pick too. I’m sure someone else can remember some more.

  6. This is so sad and disgusting. During the holidays too. I’m really disappointed in whoever did this. This is why Lana has such an uncomfortable relationship with her fans, because of ones like this. People need to learn boundaries. People need to learn basic respect. The fact that she still has crazy fans breaking in and stealing shit is just sad. They didn’t just lose their work that can’t be recreated, but they also have to live in constant fear of people violating their privacy and safety. I would never want anyone to be in the position Lana and Chuck are in. I hope whoever did this gets what’s coming to them.

  7. Not that anyone cares, but I finally acquired a copy of In Perfect Harmony!!!! Joni Mitchell and James Taylor recorded this live album together in 1970 and wanted to release it, by their labels wouldn’t let them, so they had them pressed themselves and gave out a limited amount. The one I got is even a first edition!!! I’m so excited! Now that I have this album, here’s my up to date Joni Mitchell vinyl collection. (The new one is the first album in the second picture)





  8. I prefer Happiness is a Butterfly personally, but they’re such different songs that it’s interesting to see them compared and contrasted. I hope people do more comparisons like this. Anyway, movebaby’s argument for Happiness was probably stronger since Rorman’s depended more on people not understanding metaphors. I like reading both sides though since both songs have pros and cons and it’s fascinating seeing how different people analyze the songs. And I agree with whoever said this should’ve been a poll.

  9. I’ve been thinking now that this might actually be a spontaneous decision for Lana. Seeing as she’s releasing it on the 10th anniversary of her debut album (also a Saturday), it’s clear she did this intentionally and she probably knew we’d all catch on too. I’m also thinking she might possibly only sell it for as long as her first album was available too, probably as just a fun (but unnecessary) parallel. It’s crazy to see though how far she’s come in a decade. It really feels like she’s celebrating her first 10 years, and how far she’s come and how much she’s grown by releasing this poetry album. She finally gets to be a poet.

  10. also, NFR did NOT age like wine :creep: :creep: :creep: ever since it came out i must've listened to the whole thing like 3 times within the past 4 month when i usually play her whole discography 6 to 7 times a DAY, and i'm certainly not the only one in this situation, TRUST ME.

    Idk how long everyone else’s days are, but I definitely can’t listen to her entire discography 6 or 7 times a day. The whole discography all the way through (not including unreleased), once or twice. Maybe three times, but that’s still cutting it close. Gotta find out how to double the length of my days... imagine all the Lana music I’d get to listen to.

  11. I prefer movies. I sometimes get too overwhelmed when I have a series to keep up with and I’ll usually end up putting it off and then have more to catch up on and it’s an endless cycle lol.


    Do you cook/bake anything that’s from an old family recipe?

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