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necessary sacrifice

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Posts posted by necessary sacrifice

  1. Today I took out all my holiday records, as I usually do this time of year. Then I was wondering what holiday records everyone else has and which ones we love the most. I only have 6 Christmas records but I hope when I’m old, I have a giant collection like my nan had. As cliche as it sounds, my two favourites are the Beach Boys one and the Phil Spector one. They’re classics. Anyway, here’s a picture of my holiday records and I’d love to see yours too.



  2. I finally got around to watching it. We curled up in our jammies with hot chocolate for it. I loved it. It was kitschy and retro and felt just like the old Christmas specials. I loved seeing Lana, as well as Zooey, but the whole thing was just so much fun. I would’ve preferred it to be a bit longer and maybe a Willie Nelson cameo, but other than that, it was perfect. It really got me in the Christmas mood. Anyone who liked it should check out the Judy Garland Christmas show, it’s even better.

  3. Sometimes I think about how sad it would’ve been if I wasn’t a Lana fan or hadn’t even heard of her.... I could’ve missed this wonderful album and I wouldn’t even know it. Imagine all the people who don’t know who Lana is yet who are about to receive this album for Christmas and have their minds blown... it makes me wish I could discover her all over again, but then again, I wouldn’t trade my memories with her music for anything.

  4. This is my absolute favourite tour of Lana’s so far. I actually really like the setlist (obviously I’d prefer all my fave songs, but she can’t cater to us all) and her outfits have been super cute and comfy-looking (definitely stuff is wear tbh) and I love that she invites other musicians along to perform with her. It’s very Bob Dylan of her. I just love how laid back and fun this tour seems compared to her previous ones (they were good too, this is just more my vibe)

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