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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. Some of y'all are a little too fragile. This whole "you can share your "negative" opinions all you want, but can you not do that too too much? thank you " discourse is so fucking overdone. Imagine coming on a discussion board, and oh my, being "confronted" to a different opinion than yours and having to resist the urge to control other people's speech in a way that comforts your own likes and dislikes?? I know, it's hell on earth.
  2. Maybe because the so called ballads on Blue Banisters were actually done right and had they come to out before NFR/Chemtrails we wouldn't even be having that conversation right now? Jack alienated the fans with his shitty piano shtick and terrible mixing skills.
  3. Reliably bland. You can count on him to pack a shit ton of instruments in a single song, yet everything will get lost in the mix. Mr. Subdued does possess that talent.
  4. Jack and hell-ish energy in the same sentence
  5. I'm in awe of your analysis talent & skillz.
  6. Thank God there are more than one producer on this record—
  7. well then do that and let people be disappointed/cautiously excited in peace
  8. It's a foregone conclusion to assume that scrolling past posts is too hard
  9. Never even said I hated this snippet, just said people can talk about whatever Lana Del Rey related thought they want, it's not an echo chamber it's a discussion forum, sir. Music is subjective, but it's not the first time we go through this discussion.
  10. the typical "if you don't like this 9 seconds snippet then die!!!1!" trope
  11. it's wild to me that some people come to LanaBoards to talk about Lana's material in any way they please
  12. Whatever happened to her lower, richer, darker register? That would actually be unexpected.
  13. well then Lana is yet again caught in a web of lies because she stated several times mastering takes months and by the time her records are done being mastered, she's ready for the next one
  14. "Album nearing completion" it still takes months to master a record.
  15. Inb4 people start theorizing that the song will break into a synthy/cathartic chorus/bridge moment
  16. It's giving Sweet Carolina meet Watercolor Eyes
  17. I don't think anyone ever doubted that, it's obviously become her go to instrument
  18. Piano and that high breathy register... alright let's see where this goes.
  19. A certain person nowhere to be found in that studio
  20. I feel like you guys just manifested something
  21. Agreed about all of this. I was pleasantly surprised by the episode and I'm looking forward to more of this. Side note though, why are the wigs awful this time around. The Targaryen wigs are not it—
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