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Everything posted by AllForYou

  1. what I want for M6 is... better communication I don't mean I want her posting on instagram/twitter everyday cause I know she doesn't like that and never has been like that, but with the poetry book she just said 'more to come soon' and the thing is with marina 'coming soon' can mean anything from 'tomorrow' to 'secretly cancelling it and never addressing it again' (aka the ADIAML vines) I feel like she might announce more on the poetry book on valentine's day, but who knows another thing is she replied to a fan saying there would be a physical copy on instagram, but didn't say that on twitter or tumblr so if you're not combing her replies you wouldn't even know that, I'm sure she'll reiterate when she makes her proper post but I just feel like she shouldn't say anything or say it everywhere but that's just my non-marina opinion on announcements in general I get it's a double edged sword though, like her teasing snippets we never got (INHA/'the day I was born') was obviously with the intention of releasing them (unless she really does hate us) and keeping us up to date.
  2. it's so weird to me marina is a few months older than lady gaga, I can't explain why but it just doesn't feel right... and charli xcx being 7 years younger than marina too, I can't believe a 30 year old marina went off on a 23 year old charli about that photoshoot iconic piece of pop culture but it was charlotte rutherford's fault not charli's
  3. honestly my only criticism of these songs is they should probably be just one really good song instead of two ok songs but that goes for literally all the L+F songs, EYL and TNWWY should be one really good song instead of two songs.
  4. absent love and doubt your love are so sad, I feel so bad for her putting up with that for so long
  5. ‘beautiful world’ from the L+F era, a snippet leaked a few months ago same, but no one was ever expecting china dolls (or even knew the 2006 plastic rainbow existed) to leak, that was the most random leak ever (in retrospect it makes sense it existed since she said it was the first song she wrote)
  6. I think it’s probably a laptop song, but I’m more than happy to be proven wrong if anyone wants to leak it (unlikely but we randomly got China Dolls a couple of years ago)
  7. I agree (to me FROOT is the start of some of her awkward lyricism), but I think the main difference is tone/intention, like there’s something about ‘Harvey Weinstein’s *cheerleader chant* gone to jail!’ that really doesn’t sit right with me. I do like purge the poison’s production and everything but the verses (I wish she kept it from mother nature’s perspective), but it feels like she’s listening things off to check boxes which feels disingenuous (and I’ve already said about her going to that hotel in man’s world) vs savages where it felt like she was actually touched by these things
  8. ‘ancient dreams in a modern land’ is just such an interesting phrase to me I kind of wish she saved the song and did a whole concept album around it (not that I have any ideas about what that concept album would be, maybe greek mythology retold in modern age?)
  9. I wonder if marina understands why we like savages (and her older political songs) but not her recent ones or if she’s confused by it. like if she was at home like ‘I’m actually going to give the gays what they want, savages 2.0’ then sat there like at the response
  10. FROOT isn't my fav album but I hope it starts to get the love it deserves from the general public (none of her FROOT songs have been certified) and Marina, I don't think she even posted anything for its 5th anniversary (I see why she doesn't say 'happy birthday' to every album every year but 5 is a milestone)
  11. fear and loathing is such a beautiful song, it’s a shame she hasn’t played it since 2013. it would have fit the L+F tour perfectly, maybe it’s just a bit long, and not upbeat (like froot), for the set? (she could have played a radio edit version though)
  12. I'm pretty similar to you TFJ = EH > FROOT = ADIAML > L+F
  13. yeah I've seen a few people that seem to think that marina leaving atlantic will magically get 'old marina' back but marina has been messy her whole life, we've just ignored it I do think her next albums will be better though, L+F was pushed out before she was ready like we've discussed and ADIAML was likely pushed out asap to get out of her contract, so just having that pressure off her will be better. maybe she can just release standalone songs on her own schedule, ADIAML has some good songs but as an album it's weird af thematically, half political, half about jack, then VFT and the title track just two bops doing their own thing
  14. I think this was just marina's bad decision, although her label have done some problematic things, I think marina is also to blame for her weird career choices. MARINA makes her much harder in to find in search results, if she had a unique name like Beyonce or Adele then it would be fine but 'marina' is also a word. it also means her website is marinaofficial.co.uk, if you go to marinaofficial.com it's a different artist called marina I cannot see why a label would suggest 'MARINA' over 'Marina Diamandis'
  15. it's on urban dictionary, ('Effeminate way of being Gay. One can be camp without being gay. Floppy wrists. Think Elton John and Jack from Will & Grace'), in my experience it's used by people middle aged and older, but marina can act 'old fashioned' at times, she used the T-slur on her blog in 2011 to refer to a gay bar I'm glad camp is coming back to it's actual roots and we can all look it in the eye
  16. I don't think she ever would, I don't think she should either it would be awkward and messy, her leaving her label is a great chance to swap to Marina Diamandis though
  17. she said she felt like she had outgrown it, which I can understand she was 18 or 20ish when she created it and was 33 when she dropped it, but with 'marina diamandis' I don't think you have to take a massive leap to realise 'marina and the diamonds' and 'marina diamandis' are the same thing, so now anyone that has to introduce her would have to still say 'marina, previously marina and the diamonds' which makes her sound like she was in a band even more another theory was that 'marina' fits better on artwork, which I sort of understand, trying to fit 'marina and the diamonds' and 'ancient dreams in a modern land' would be a bit of a nightmare
  18. same! I think the mixing for FROOT is wrong for me, the demos are great also what is everyone's opinions on Marina's name change? I see why she did it but I wish she went for 'marina diamandis' instead, it would be easier to search, I know people near the coast had a bit of difficulty getting tickets when they searched '[location] marina tickets' also feels a bit rude for her to essentially trample on the other marinas spotify and apple music, she already had to change the logo once because it was similar to the other marina and I've never seen anyone talk about this: I'm sure it's just a coincidence but you know what they say, imagery is artistic property, please respect your fellow artists.
  19. true, this isn't helped when she also slagged off Dr. Luke and Katy Perry and other female artists that work with his 'hit factory' that 'good pop songs come out [of] but have no originality', people must have had severe whiplash
  20. this too! the pitchfork one is gross. I didn't mean to sound unsympathetic or anything, just that her not explaining the concept probably didn't help her situation, though probably more with her fans than her critics.
  21. right? I'm also mad we didn't get more of the b-roll footage, she fumbled making them herself then fumbled an opportunity of just posting them to tumblr and letting her fans make their own edits. I think that b-roll footage should have been used in the title track's music video, that video was such a letdown when I saw it (it's still iconic though) I think they were more sub-types under the archetypes (a bubblegum bitch being under teen idle), but I agree, I'm glad she realised that early on though edit so I don't double post: one thing about the 'british press hated electra heart' whilst true, and likely due to misogyny, she did badly explain the concept in the beginning. people thought it was an alter ego, then she had to retract that. (maybe she wanted it to be an 'alter ego' at first and then realised people didn't like that idea and decided to retcon it)
  22. honestly, I 100% agree with you, but as I said in the next sentence 'Marina has her heart in the right place but she tends to overpromise what she’s capable of doing' I believe if she had done two projects at the same time, she would have done the two of them badly, (aka not up to standard). rather than the iconic electra heart/die Life era we all want and deserved, obviously we'll never know if she wanted to actually do them simultaneously, but I'm just taking that at face value that was her plan. she couldn't even put out those homemade videos for the 3 archetypes we're missing. (I understand maybe she didn't have the budget for the gallery/exhibition she wanted but an official photobook would have been great).
  23. it’s a shame she’ll never really play those songs again because they’re associated with Jack. you, too afraid and true might never be played live now. you and true are weird choices to never play live imo, she said she imagined playing true in a club with her friends and ‘you’ seems like a great ‘pass the mic over’ opportunity I know most people enjoy the demo more but it would still be good live I think.
  24. honestly I’d love to do a YouTube-esque deep dive into each of her albums but I don’t want to use my voice and I don’t want to use one of those robot voices because they annoy me how effective the singles were would be a good category too. I know everyone, including marina, thinks bubblegum bitch would have been a great single but they would have had to bleep all instances of ‘bitch’ or change the word, ‘bubblegum chick’ does not have the same vibe
  25. this is giving me ‘you have to be mentally ill to be a cop’ vibes, surprised she’s left it up since pretty much all the tweets are people educating her about conservation. sea world IS horrible, keeping whales IS disgusting, but this really seems like an american centric issue that marina seems to think it’s universal, not all zoos and aquariums are perfect but most of them are about conservation & research, and they save animals from circuses or those that have been injured in the wild and can’t live independently. good for her being on her animal rights era but I wish she wouldn’t spout misleading accusations on her platform yesss, also how you’d improve the album in retrospect!! my biggest gripe with electra heart is she didn’t rearrange the deluxe, she specifically said she wanted fear and loathing as the outro & the tracks to tell a story
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