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  1. kik liked a post in a topic by lanasgirl in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Can people please stop being so rude? Did I offend you in any way? No, I didn't, I simply stated my opinion and if you don't agree with it, you may tell me politely or you may not tell me at all. Also, what's wrong with being politically correct? Why make it sound like an insult towards me? Or did you just want to be sassy because you were bored? Jesus Christ, get a life.
  2. kik liked a post in a topic by Blythe in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    there is no doubt that slut shaming was not her intention, but it's important that she gets called out on this shit - mainly so women in general stop calling other fucking women whores? where do you think that comes from? what kind of message do you think that perpetuates? if i call someone the N word but i'm not, you know, really meaning to use that word in the context of its history, does this somehow mean it's cool? no. for someone like lana, who has dramatized herself as a stripper, alluded to several sexual obsessions, has lyrics like "i was an angel looking to get fucked hard" and preaches this idea of ultimate freedom for women, you think she would be a little more wise and have a little more understanding about the history of that word and what kind of message it sends. it reminds me of childish brats in high school calling other girls whores and sluts. it was "harmless" name calling but it got a pretty strong idea across. and women's sexuality is still a HUGE issue, so like.... why so many people here seem to want to excuse this is kinda beyond me. i get that you love lana, i do, too, but that doesn't mean you should turn a blind eye to bullshit.
  3. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana's interview for Neon Magazine   
    Well, she has a funny way to put her thoughts into words sometimes. She could have said that seduction is her passion, but it may have sounded vague. I also find men very predictable. Years of experience in the flirt department I guess.
  4. kik liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    yeah but what she is doing is celebrating misogynistic attitudes, which is just as bad as racism or homophobia. she's encouraging the anti-feminist sentiment in our society that a woman who sleeps around is 'shameful'.
  5. kik liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    Could she suffer from dissociative identity disorder? It would explain some stuff. It wouldn't affect my appreciation of her Art though.
  6. kik liked a post in a topic by KillKillQueen in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    It would explain a lot, but honestly she's probably just putting some sauce on a weird cult she spent hours reading about online as a teenager and got into. Lizzy Del Grant probably did not live in some weird commune with other teenage girls and a big charismatic "daddy" figure.
    Do you know what UV is? a 60's/70's throwback album. Do you know what was a "thing" then? Being in a cult. She's the best fanfiction writer tho. 
  7. GuilhermeLewer liked a post in a topic by kik in * FAN VIDEO * ULTRAVIOLENCE   
    Haha we see the cultural gap here.
    Very nice video! I love the Belle de Jour glimpse
  8. kik liked a post in a topic by GuilhermeLewer in * FAN VIDEO * ULTRAVIOLENCE   
  9. kik liked a post in a topic by whitman in Lana Del Rey gets interviewed by a fan at The Shrine in Los Angeles, May 30   
    I'm bit surprised to see so many negative comments about this "interview". I genuinely think he was being honest and all he wanted is to tell her about the impact of her music in his life. I know a lot people here are fans of other 100 artist and foruns but for some people music  REALLY can change their lifes. He met the person that changed his life, I don't judge he wanted to share with her how important she is to him. It's natural if you think how much time we spent of our lives in the company of music.
  10. kik liked a post in a topic in LDR Live in Berlin, June 20th, 2014   
    Just bought my ticket!!!! OMFG!!! I'm officially going to my first Lana Del Rey concert, EVER!
  11. NamiraWilhelm liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Performs at Kim Kardashian's Pre-Wedding Party   
    Most celebrities can be hired for personal appearance. Some are paid millions and they are not forced to accept (remember, Britney refused to sell her virginity for 12 million dollars many years ago lol...). Does that movie influence your perception of singing in weddings being "cheap"?

  12. Lirazel liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Performs at Kim Kardashian's Pre-Wedding Party   
    Yes I was just kidding
  13. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey, Montreal!   
    My back hurts.
    I got in line two hours before the show, which I deeply regret. I wish I was in the front, but whatever...
    The problem is, this show is not made for that big of an audience in such a big venue. There was 11 500 people and there's an intimate feeling to her performance that didn't work at that big venue. The sound was so-so. She was a bit more than an hour late I think. My poor back lol...
    Her performance was very good though. Pretty much what I expected from the review of her previous shows. The highlights for me was the guitar solo on Bel Air when she hugged her guitarist, it was amazing. Then, in part of one song (damn, can't remember which one) her voice was very different than everything I heard from her before. She was belting and her voice became very intense, I wish she would sing a bit more like than in her songs in the future
    I cried at Video Games.
    She looked great in her white dress.
    Seriously, I felt like I was in another world in some part of the show and I don't remember everything...
    One thing that was special to me was to feel her torment and complexity during her performance. She is a very unique and lovable human being.
    (These are not my pictures, but I think they look great!)






    (and 3 videos I made... they suck, but I wanted to live the moment by focusing on the show itself, not the camera)
  14. JhnMabius liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey, Montreal!   
    I'm going!! I can't wait
    I got general admission tickets. What about you?
    I've never heard about Jimmy Gnecco, but I listened to a couple of songs this afternoon and he gives me chills. What an amazing artist!
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