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Super Movie

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Everything posted by Super Movie

  1. Lana loves Wednesday single releases but we’re getting a song so we win because of it
  2. Why is Bo Burnham constantly around and friends with all the female artists I enjoy what magnetic powers does he have
  3. Seeing Taylor in a picture with Charlie and Alana isn't computing in my head for some reason like I forgot that it's perfectly plausible for them to know each other
  4. Skipping the Grammys but still serving looks at a Chateau Marmont Grammys after party is quite iconic if you ask me
  5. I'd love to go back in time and tell my younger self who used to listen to this song when it came on my grandma's favorite radio station that i would grow up to relate to it to an embarrassing degree
  6. A&W for whatever reason makes me think of the big breakdown at the end of BBS. I'm looking forward to hearing if my vision is in any way correct lol
  7. Lana should do something on the 27th because that's my birthday, but it's also a Monday and a good number day to release something on. Like, "A&W coming February 27th" sounds like such a serve to me idk It's a wait from now but it's still like a month before the album, so it's a happy medium
  8. Marina's poetry honestly has a lot of potential, I just wish she wasn't Milk and Honey-ing it if that makes any sense
  9. I'm looking forward to the comprehensive Candy Necklace history lesson coming after the album
  10. I'm fully predicting that this album is going to be my new favorite of Lana's, if not at least in my top 3 for sure
  11. Here's my updated claimed tracks: The Grants Let The Light In A&W Grandfather Peppers Kintsugi
  12. It'd be so cool if Lana directly referenced that lyric in Peppers I love that she's sampling a song literally named after Angelina Jolie
  13. Listening to Angelina by Tommy Genesis right now and I'm so interested in seeing how Lana manages to sample this song. Peppers is gonna be a bop track for sure. Angelina's got a super strong beat, so I'm assuming that's gonna be what she samples (or maybe it'll be the screaming/siren type of sounds which would be cool)
  14. See I knew you were right to make that song your username, I've believed in her from the beginning
  15. This album just seems so unique. Every track's credits are so intriguing and they're all so different from one another. I really feel like we're about to be thrown for a loop and I'm so excited about it
  16. Chuck having a spoken word piece of Fishtail is so sweet. I feel like that song is going to be quite sentimental for some reason with that in mind
  17. These credits are so promising. And before anyone throws fits about Jack being credited with vocals on A&W, may I remind you that he is Mr. Venice Bitch and we've only heard good things about the song
  18. It honestly might be a good idea. Like, I love having a place to talk about the album, but the posts that actually discuss the album are so few and far between that it's getting to a ridiculous point. Other pre-releases have been bad, but this is just on a whole different playing field
  19. I'm not going to get into it because this is simply not the thread for it, but if you're taking me saying that women shouldn't be sexualized for their existence as a personal attack, maybe do some self reflecting Moving on! I've been thinking a lot about The Grants in particular lately. That comment that BoZ made about it being perfect for an album trailer really interested me. I feel like it's going to be sort of a hallmark in Lana's discography
  20. The Grants is for sure going to be an orchestral highlight of the album, and probably a highlight of the album in general
  21. I feel like A&W is going to have a good bridge. I see it kind of the like DCMA bridge Lana did mixed with the BBS breakdown
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