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Super Movie

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Everything posted by Super Movie

  1. Zach Dawes is honestly one of my favorite Lana producers ever I'm really excited to hear what he does on this album
  2. That Mike Hermosa? Mr. Tiger Dick himself?
  3. These are peak "tunnel under ocean boulevard" vibes I feel like the title itself leaves so much room for aesthetic design and interpretation. I'm really looking forward to the visual aspect of this album just as much as I'm looking forward to the music itself
  4. I like the title. It's like the tunnel is a secret being whispered to me. For some reason, at least aesthetically, it invokes a lot of Swan Song/W Mag imagery for me
  5. Same energy as the “color me blue” post
  6. DNC: Didyouk Now theresatunnelundero Ceanboulevard
  7. Pisces album and I love the title No matter what, though, I feel like it’s always the damn source code that gets us here lol
  8. The logo is so 70s. I don’t even care if it’s ugly, aesthetic is aesthetic
  9. I have an appointment an hour and a half away on Wednesday. I'm gonna be in the waiting room refreshing Instagram like a madman
  10. It's well known that BoZ hated COCC and BB, so I think he's just pretending they didn't exist I honestly don't think this album is going to sound like anything she's done before
  11. Thank god I'm not the only person who's first thought was cocaine
  12. By striking lines does he mean poetic stunner or shockers? Because this could go in the direction of something like Bel Air, TBD, WW, and probably a thousand others that I can't conjure off the top of my head, or it could be something like the NFR title track and Cola openings lines. Either way, I'm here for it
  13. The Myrtle Beach tunnel She may not be a mosaic, but damnit if she isn't painted
  14. My first thought when I read those was this year's iconic Italy trip
  15. I don't get an Arcadia vibe from the song sonically just based on what we've heard about it, but for some reason I do aesthetically. I can't really explain it
  16. Dan Heath you want to have done strings on this album so bad
  17. I googled "ocean boulevard" just for fun and got a road in Florida, a route in New Hampshire, and a highway in South Carolina
  18. I've missed the site running slower because there's so much hype We're really back and better than ever this era
  19. There's room for all types of Nancys and Rhondas
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