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Super Movie

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Posts posted by Super Movie

  1. 1 minute ago, Mer said:


    I literally have not seen a single person hating on Fingertips at all lol. It's just not going to be everyone's favorite, and that's all good too. In fact, even the people who don't particularly love Fingertips are praising its lyrics and the importance of it lol. 

    I wasn't being serious :hillary: Ofc I know that everyone has different opinions, I'm just kidding around lol. I never said it needs to be everyone's favorite I don't think it needs to be. It's not even my favorite on the album

  2. 1 minute ago, terrencelovesy0u said:

    Ooo is it good? 


    It all depends on taste of course, but I think it's an incredible song. It's very dark and haunting. It's a piano based track, but it's a very rich sort of piano that I think works as a beautiful centerpiece on the track. I think you like Riverside or Is This Happiness, you'll like Candy Necklace 


  3. 32 minutes ago, barttttender said:


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    I write for a living, so I'll reserve my right to criticize someone's lyrics, thanks. Also, lyrics about suicide, childhood drama, etc, can be bad. 


    And, frankly, I don't think she's "put her heart and soul into them." More like came up with them on the spot and sang into a voice note, which is exactly what they sound like. 




    Ok let's see what you've written


  4. Spoiler

    Honestly I think a lot of people simply can't handle Fingertips because it's not sanitized and packaged, it's completely raw and pulls no punches with listeners. And there's a lot of people I feel won't even give it a chance because of that (or the fact that she talks about her family which to certain Lana fans is like murdering somebody). It's a powerful song that needs to exist in Lana's discography imo


  5. Spoiler

    Candy Necklace is hauntingly beautiful. The piano is so stark and powerful, it's just as much of a vocalist on the track as Lana is. It reminds me a lot of classical works as well. The lyrics are also beautiful, and that part where Jon Batiste echoes Lana at the end ties it all together. I'm just stunned. It's very reminiscent of Riverside for sure


  6. I can't say I'm really pro-YTH release, but it would get a lot of streams just based on how many times it's gone viral on TikTok alone

    However, and this was probably already said but I don't feel like looking through the whole thread, a copyright claim doesn't mean a song is going to get released. There are a lot of unreleased songs that that's been happening with for years at this point 

  7. Spoiler

    I literally only listened to like 30 seconds at most of each song because what's the point with the tags :awk: Anyways, Margaret sounds a lot like The 1975's new album to me, which makes sense because Jack worked on that album. It's honestly really cool to see him take that direction with Lana because it's quite different than what they usually do. Based on the snippets of songs I chose to listen to, I'm really looking forward to hearing Let The Light In, Grandfather, and Kintsugi next week 


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